First One To Answer The Question Correctly Wins 100K Galleons | Part 18

I can’t lie but majority of the pvpers right now are hella toxic (Especially EU and US) so I can’t blame vetex ranting on why he isn’t trying to completely please the pvp community, but that isn’t to say there aren’t any respectable pvpheads in this game even if they’re only a few percentage of the pvp community.

Overall, the balance hotfix is great because now agility demons somehow got buffed accidentally and we’re eating good!

Reminder: If Vetex adds cat ears and tail, I’ll raise the prize from 100K to 200K.

This is a long forgotten place in the Bronze Sea, what place am I talking about?

Is it the cave area in Shell Island?

Idk, why are you asking me :mariomug:

late by 5 seconds dammit

prob accursius keep

Hasnt been answered correctly btw

cave place on shell island

who is that to

Onion, also it isn’t akursius too

for my next answer, the hidden jaws secret place

blasted rock

there’s a lot of places that could technically fit the description… hmm

What about the Poseidon temple on Mount Othrys?

silent ire or djin ruins

yo wait- the frostmill secret

it’s probably ancient considering it has a vastus corpse which have been extinct for ages

the frostmill secret isnt long forgotten

is hidden jaws place incorrect