First One To Answer The Question Correctly Wins 100K Galleons | Part 18

Yeah but the place is officially called Ancient Hall

QsTerFel is my roblox name.

it was obvious what we were referring to
this is a semantics diff

wouldnt ponsru’s answer be correct then?

not specific enough ig
although theres only one kind of cave like that, but still, bread decides, not us

theres only 1 secret at shell island tho

Yeah but I’m looking for the correct answer not the one close to it

ponsru got the correct answer idk man

Tell me if you’re in a server btw

why even argue, Qs alr won
(dang i needed that money)

The answer is just close but not the correct one, if you go there right now, it’s called Ancient Hall not cave place or ancient secret :sob:

they’re referring to the same thing bro

oh so you were looking for the correct name too, not only the actual place
alr that makes sense

unfortunately, I cannot use my computer until tmrw. My parents are strict, very very strict, and I can only play when they are not home​:sob: So if it is okay and not an incovenuence for you, can i receive it tomorrow. Pleasee :sob:

Yeah sure, just gimme a timezone and the time you’re available

Yeah they are but the whole point is to get it correctly and not close to it. In the game, the correct term to use would be Ancient Hall hence why that’s the only correct answer.

Mind if I know what time zone you using?

GMT +8, I’m free the whole day of June 9 in my timezone.

FUCK I MISSED IT :pensive:

How about 8 am GMT tomorrow, will that be okay??