Fixing the Boxing fighting style's gloves

Fixing the Boxing fighting style's gloves
effort 4.0 1 quality 3.0 1 reasonability 5.0 1


The only problem for the boxing fighting style that I have noticed is that the gloves are permanently welded to your hands. It is nice that you can customize them but there is no reason they should be present 100% of the time. There are three fixes that I have come up with that will remedy this situation.

Potential Options

Option 1: Toggle

This option would make it so that you could toggle the glove to be on or off outside of combat, (similar to magic imbuement.) This would would make it so you can wear your gloves in a neutral state, or choose to not wear them at all when out of combat. Not sure this is a very practical option but it could work.

Option 2: Selection Only

This option would make it so that the gloves only come on when the fighting style is selected. The gloves could get an animation of being put on when the fighting style is selected, or it could just appear instead. Not much to this option and it is probably the easier one to add.

Option 3: Handwraps

Instead of wearing gloves all the time, we could switch to handwraps instead. These hand wraps would look similar to the Mummy Halloween seasonal, but would only be on your hand and maybe reaching close to the elbow. Kind of like this:

You would still be able to dye the handwraps however you like using gloves. This option wouldn’t change much, the handwraps would still be attached to you 24/7. But they wouldn’t look so cumbersome or out of place.

Reason to add/change

I love the boxing fighting style, but those goddamn gloves look so awkward and stupid all the time. I think these fixes would greatly improve the fighting style because it would make it visually appealing. I think the handwraps is the best option because it is simple and wouldn’t take much to implement. But feel free to let me know what you think. Thank you for your time!


honestly my only issue with boxing is that imbuing it with a magic changes the gloves’ color and cold wind gloves are disgusting
but all of these kinda fix that so its good

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Good to hear!

I wonder if vetex looks at suggestions anymore. Haven’t seen any posts since WOM get in to the vetex accepted channel.

you have to join the balance discord where the balance team and community discuss balancing and other suggestions into the game.
how it works is they have a document with a page cap sent directly to vetex for him to work on, and that discord has taken up all the traffic of suggestions which is why you arent seeing much popularity here

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I’ve been suggesting Boxing Handwraps for ages now yes please

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Hopefully it catches on but we’ll see

I’ve gotten two smaller suggestions through. Small adjustments are much more likely to fit into his work schedule then new features.

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