Flare Lobotomy Corporation - The End (With Forumers)

Guess the abnormalities I got from day 11-20

This about be my end runner if I ever get unlucky

apocolypse bird

should check out all my new abnormalities yeepee

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I think hes suffering

jimmy :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

i remember check the wiki a few day ago and realized censored doesnt have an EGO suit

justice to censored

censored should have an ego suit so oleg can be recreated with his true power

new fit


flare I think when a button asks you to not touch it you should listen

whats that red thing on my head?

ok on day 24, the difficulty increased by like 3 times
and im having more brain aneurysms all because of 4 abnormalities I decided to choose

at this point im gonna make a department with the following:

Queen Of Hatred

Parasite Tree

Melting Love

King of Greed

Knight of something

whatever a sixth would be

you should put yin yang next to each other

Knight of Despair

Well that’s just lovely

nothing can go wrong

I want to go into the bottom one

gonna shorten the days by like 5 each recording now since the difficulty has ramped up so much after trying out some days (I hate mosb)

pretty much if anything goes wrong, all hell breaks lose when I was experimenting and having fun on days 20-24

Will attempt to get dusk quest done, and then the first three core suppressions begin (I’ll only re-try day if 30%-50% of my forumers die)

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ok good luck waiting for it to process!!
im taking a nap before nightmares!!

is jimmy still alive

you idiot, you sent someone who did red damage against the egg that heals from red damage

jimmy and his mimicry made it harder than it had to be