Flare Lobotomy Corporation - The End (With Forumers)

Moments before disaster


next day is gonna make me cry

attempting apocalypse

5 abnormalities keep fucking me over

This fight got me so stressed out I had to use it once it was defeated

Yeah so bongbong died
and was the only one that died
that means she’ll be replaced

reset the week please

I’d like to, once again, reiterate:

get the ego gift, the gear is not nearly as strong without it

I forgot I could make nuggets marry eachother



i don’t think that counts as marriage

that’s not marriage that’s celebrating breaking the ice

well according to my books

it says here that

that makes sense to me!

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Next day is actually gonna be killing me

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lobotomy corporation is a easy and simple game


she core suppression on my sephirah until I seed of light germination