Flat Design: Pyrdrakos Cave Painting + Nimbus Sea Stuff

━━━━━━━━━━ Pyrdrakos ━━━━━━━━━━

This cave painting is inspired by Drakos Arch, an island I created that was added in this update. Originally named Pyrdrakos, meaning “fire dragon” in Greek, it was shortened to Drakos for smoother pronunciation.

As well, here are some other concepts that didn’t make it into the game but are worth sharing.


Cave painting (not-in-game)

Sword concept (not-in game)

Statute concept (not-in-game)

hidden treasure location (not-in-game)

Would have required players to line up the image with the environment to reveal where some chests are buried.


Official Nimbus Sea Logo



Recreated Corsair Logo

New Tapi-inspired Sail Pattern

Drakos Arch Pics


Tobi’s work is the only redeemable thing in this update
thank you tobi, carrying Arcane Odyssey on your back like if you were Atlas


Thank you :heart_hands:, I’m personally not happy with this update.

It’s been especially upsetting to hear what happened on release, especially knowing friends who lost items and realizing many players may have lost hundreds of hours of progress due to the bug (progress that may even reach as far back as WoM).

I just hope a fix or rollback can be implemented speedily. :saluting_face:


good update, but I heard everyone complain about their lost sunkens whats up w that

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hey tobi are you in touch with any of the suggestors im trying to get in but they havent replied to my tryout in a week

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Unfortunately I am not, but hopefully someone can respond to your tryout soon.

With this update, it seems like nearly all players who joined had some of their items get completely wiped including Sunkens and there has been little word on what is going to be done about the issue, so people are understandably upset.

Tobi, how are you so cool? How do you do it?


:sob: I didn’t know I was cool. I def try to be chill.

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Nice to see your art Tobi. Definitely picks up the spirits after losing some pretty personally important items to the data glitch at the start of the update.

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cat flag, hope they add the concepts, it would be nice

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at least we get free reset pots :smiley:

oh wait ik why they got wiped, including boss drops: people upgraded them and vetex prob deleted all upgraded items

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they were removed when I gave Vet the file so sadly they aren’t getting in. :pensive:

I’m not sure what happened tbh, but Vet said it was because a roblox issue.

That aligning the terrain with a picture would be an amazing way to do an island’s secret

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I thought so too, and I have quite a few of them on some potential future islands, but unfortunately, Vet removed it for Drakos. However, I’ll keep trying to get one in because I want to see if it’s something players could find interesting or fun.

Those little details you would’ve added into (pyr)drakos arch would’ve really cemented it as my favorite island to explore, really! I’d love that sort of mini puzzle to solve while I’m looking around these islands, I think it would especially add some character to them (though the arch in itself probably has some of the most character I’ve seen so far)

also, would this island imply there be dragons afoot elsewhere in the war seas? :eyes:

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Ig, I understand why this update is kinda mid now… :frpensive: