For people wondering why PvP is disliked

fax! i hate men! true! so faxual! :joy_cat: :100: :fire: :fire:

nor will we ever. its fun to see you guys get mad. it brings me joy

I fricking hate being hunted cause I get hunted into bounty and lose all my fame. Then I gotta sail all the way to white summit. Don’t forget the amount you have to pay after they sink your brig…

this discussion went from pvptards being idiots as always to sexism and socio-psicopathy real quick

bro what where’s the sexism? granted i havent read the entire topic
(edit: nvm found it. what a loser)

yea we’re psychos and could give less of a shit about it. in fact it fuels us

You very clearly do not have sisters.


i second this

i third this

I forth dis

unless someone begs npcs for fame, they dont care about it, its usually just annoying bc pvers are busy when you attack them

I seek out lethal company

i fifth this

(my sisters are 24 and 17 respectively, yet still throw hands over figuring out what a certain hair product is called. they do this every vacation-)

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