Forum Abnormalities

good employees follow orders, acts like your name Agent #1791375

Yeah I think this is just what netzach eats on a daily basis

atleast I didn’t give an existential crisis?

Classification - O-09-13
Risk Level - HE
Qulitoph - 3

“When life gives you lemons, just don’t eat too much”

Success Chance

Special Ability - When worked with, there was a chance a lemon would drop from the emerald tree, when it fell the employee had the urge to eat it which they did, they gained higher success work with the abnormality and if it was attachment work.

Attachment - 75% Successful
Instinct - 40% Successful
Insight - 30% Successful
Repression - 20% Successful

Good Mood Range - 12-15
Normal Mood Range - 5-11
Bad Mood Range - 1 - 4


An emerald tree which almost looks chaotic with lemons growing from it in different colors of yellow/green.

Managerial Tips 1

When work result was good, it dropped a yellow lemon which increased the attachment work with the abnormality.

Managerial Tips 2

When the work was normal or bad, it dropped a green lemon instead which reseted the effects of the yellow lemon and removed all the lemon-substances in your body.

Mangerial tips 3

If the employee ate 3 yellow lemons, they suffered from dying after the lemon killed them within the inside in different ways.

Attachment/Insight - Lemon multiplied inside the employees stomach, making them burst. Any of the lemon puddles on the floor gave benefits to abnormalites that walked across it

Instinct/Repression - Their eyes went into a liquidly yellow like, they fed themselves to abnormalities which empowered them once they released.

Managerial Tips 4

If the employee ate total of 3 green lemons, they were seemingly blocked out of the trees containment.

Managerial Tips 5

Specially, EX Temperance Employees whenever there was a liquidly yellow-eyed employee, they were able to resistent eating the green lemon and were able to take the green lemon and force-feed the yellow-eyed employees it to cure them.

The ones that exploded were long gone however.

Managerial Tips 6

When mood was bad, the Qulitoph dropped by 1, when the Qulitoph was zero, all employees who ate the lemon had the same effects happen to them if they were to eat 3 lemons.

Suit (Lemon)

Appearance - a suit full of tiny lemons and vines

Special Ability - If the employee walked passed an employee with any lemons consumed, the employee absorbed one lemon consumed by the employee and benefited them with all abnormalities, they did not suffer the effect if they absorbed 3+ lemons. (Capped at 5). (Attachment increased total of 10%)

Red Resistance - 0.9 Resistance
White Resistance - 0.8 Resistance
Black Resistance - 0.7 Resistance
Pale Resistance - 2.0 Resistance

Gift (Lemon)

Appearance - A smashed lemon on top of their heads

Benefits - +4 Temperance


An emerald tree that was found in a forest in which this emerald tree was harvested and taken to a nearby isolated village. It grew lemons constantly of green and yellow lemons, seemingly the yellow lemons tasted better in its sourness and sweetness, of course it’d be harvested more often.

However this tree was reported after two days later as one person who explored the village went into a cabin, it was filled with a lot of yellow liquid that was all over the walls and such but nothing else. There were also people standing doing nothing with yellow-eyes in which it looked liquidly within the inside.

It wasn’t until he found the tree and notice how the tree was filled with mainly green lemons more than the lemon, after all it was yellow all over the cabin. Once he force-fed one of those standing people the green lemon, they were seemingly cured but after a minute they were panicking as if they witnessed everything that happened.


I love this, I’m saving it to my computer lol (Seriously this is awesome, thank you)

1 Like

Classification - D-09-14
Risk Level - Zayin

“To whoever abnormality decided to make this, lets sacrifice them to [CENSORED]”


Puke filled bowl, doesn’t get anymore simplier than that.

Managerial Tips 1

Whenever an Employee drinked the soup, they hesitated to drink it and sometimes ignore the managers order to drink the soup.

Managerial Tips 2

When an employee had EX Insight, they drunk the soup, however once they finished, they started to sluggishly walk and looked sick to hell after what they drunk, decreasing their justice and resistances for 30 seconds. However after that was done they received the “nutrition” from that soup and had an increase of HP and slight amount of SP. (They However required 4 Fortitude to withstand gagging).

Managerial Tips 3

If the employee did not have IV Fortitude, they succumbed to the soup after 30 seconds and puked, the HP and SP Regeneration Effects did not occur. Meaning it was for nothing.


Apparently, this soup wasn’t reported or anything, infact it was manufactured by an abnormality in which they somehow made this using their broom after cleaning up facility from time to time. They made it beneficial so the manager could think about it and make employees have to drink it to gain any health or sp during lasting battles.

I should do an abnormality tier list after this ngl

Could prove to be neat.


saving this here

I feel like i’m not active enough to make for a good abnormality…

Though i did just join so maybe soon enough.

Ngl I’m mainly basing it off your current message here (which won’t affect much) and username/pfp mainly like “Little Robber Chicken” (which I like as a concept despite being HE)

(Usually Aleph/WaW level don’t matter, usually depends on the username mixed with the pfp with a little bit of knowing somebody, so far I only know one here who’d probably get an aleph mainly because I know them in possibly the goofiest way in which it’d match up to how they are communicating according to me)

Yeah from what I’ve seen most of these are just taking a quick look at someone and making something interesting based on that

If it helps on my abnormality, Es is a librarian on a seemingly infinite library, and she has read all of the books many times over.



is this an ongoing thing or


He make-a-the silly abnos in his free time

Silly concept teehee

Classification - O-01-15
Risky Level - HE
Qulitoph - 2

“Better keep your eyes on sight and face towards the gleaming sun”

Succes Chance

Attachment - 40% Successful
Instinct - 40% Succesful
Insight - 80% Successful
Repression - 30% Successful

Good Mood Range - 8 - 13
Normal Mood Range - 3 - 7
Bad Mood Range - 1 - 2

Abnormaltiy Details

Ability - Whenever the abnormality was in the same room as the employee, whenever the employee looked at the abnormality they started to take damage, the more they looked at it the most damage they took by ticks and DMG increase

Ability - If somehow the employee survives looking at the abnormality for ten seconds, their eyes become strained somehow and they go blind, unable to be controlled by the manager but still alive. They recovered the next day.

Ability - When it hit 50% HP, it teleported to a different part of the facility

Damage Type - Red
Attack Speed - ???
Range - Very Long

Resistances -

  • Red Resistance - 0.8 Resistance
  • White Resistance - 0.5 Resistance
  • Black Resistance - 0.6
  • Pale Resistance - 0.5

Health - 500


A decorated mannequin with similar style from mexico tradition art

Managerial Tips 1

When work result was bad, the Qulitoph lowered by 1

Managerial Tips 2

When work result was normal, the Qulitoph lowered by 1 with a small chance

Managerial Tips 3

When an employee with Prudence/Frotitude III enters the containment, if they worked on the abnormality for more than 20 seconds they went blind and the abnormality released. Teleporting somewhere in the facility

Managerial Tips 4

During breach, it dealt damage to those who looked at it, those who were looking for too long went blind. They were cured when they fell asleep by T-O2-99

Suit (Plastic)

Appearance - A hard shell of plastic that works like armour and decorated with art of colored rocks

Resistance -

  • Red Resistance - 0.4 Resistance
  • White Resistance - 1.2 Resistance
  • Black Resistance - 1.5
  • Pale Resistance - 2.0
Weapon (Plastic)

Appearance - A pole of plastic with a light blub on top of it, when turned on into the direction it shines brightly, dealing rapid-tick damage to anything in-front of it

Damage - 1 Red
Attack Speed - Very Fast
Range - Long

Gift (Plastic)

Appearance - A golden plated necklace with decorated art

Special Ability - Whenever you have the full suit and gear equipped, you will always be teleported to a space spot within the facility if you’re on your last 10% HP (Works once until next day)


This was made during a party in which this mannquein disappeared when morning struck, when it was being looked for somebody found it within the streets. However when they looked at it they felt dizzy and sore and once they looked away, they felt normal

Somebody went blind looking at this and it wasn’t until they slept and was cured from the blindness.

Nobody was harmed by it and was successfully reported.