Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

Well I’d check my recent messages today it might give a hint.

on here or discord?

Here, this topic, minutes ago.

i got it now

This is some big brain stuff >->

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I might need to encrypt my future messages better at this rate.

here’s where the shhh image leads, it’s mostly just a lore drop about the world


aw you beat me to finding it

This is north guapo by the way

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guapo = handsome in spanish iirc :sunglasses:

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Oh gosh why are you actually right for once

has crimson claimed it yet?

No I think I overwhelmed them slightly :sob:
I’m sorry @Crimsonpants

Y-You should hand the keys to someone else. My brain is not in the game these last few weeks lol. I used the last vestiges of intelligence to get that answer.


Okay crimson that’s fine. I’ll give the keys to sock next then. I’m sure that won’t backfire.

yes, i totally won’t share it with everyone to solve all the other riddles faster

I’m watching out.

here’s the link everyone, hope we can all work together to solve this :grin:

Enemy of the State, Wanted.

I’d post the poster but discourse isn’t happy with me

I need all your cooking for this. Expecting some old faces.
It’s time to forum curse