Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

Aight, is the storm curse taken?

nope, still free

There is only one position left

I’ll reserve the last space for glitching though

Aight imma make a character for it very quickly for now and will add onto it more tomorrow (its almost 11 pm for me lmao)

Percival Booth

Storm Curse - A curse with the properties of water, wind and lightning mixed together.

Stormbreaker - A large executioner axe wielded by Percival with the lightning properties from his storm curse.

I can’t add much to it rn but basically Percival is a wrathful executioner who went slightly insane from his curse

“Sir. This is a Starbucks. What do you mean ‘You’re going to execute us all.’
Sir. Please leave or I’ll have to call the police.”

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Submissions are officially over

He is the type to execute people for the smallest shit possible :sob:
the brackets

key is dead

Participants (pings for the ones not in the server)

key // lock
Ezia (Anon82 whatever)
The Glooper (Tortle)

The Start

An old man stood on a crudely constructed platform. The scene was being streamed to billions across the globe. A group of people stood below the platform, each one a Curse User.

“Welcome, one and all to the beginning of Prometheus’ Arena. The rules are simple. Multiple twenty four hour battles across the globe will occur at once. Winning the battles will move you to the next stage of the tournament, losing them, will cause you to be eliminated from the rankings. Our first battles will be announced soon. Good luck, warriors.”

The crowd was silent as the man spoke.

“Remember. The battles end at the submission of either opponent, or if one fighter is unable to continue fighting. Avoid serious injury at all costs.”

— Rules of the Fight —

Multiple separate battles judged by polls will occur at once. You may vote for who wins in each category. After some time, the polls will close and the winner will be announced. The participants in the battles may attempt to convince people of their worth.

Votes must be based on the curse and not the user.

After each full round is complete in the bracket, some more information will be unveiled and each person will get an opportunity to socialise and write short extracts on their characters’ reactions to the Arena.

Ping or otherwise contact me with questions.

The Bracket

The Discord (Contains details on all curses)


Let the games begin!



Round 1 Start

Battle One

Warrior 1 - Sanek, The Reflection Curse, Reflecting Shield

Warrior 2 - sock, The Spatial Curse, Tungsten Stakes

The Colosseum in Rome

Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Additional Effects
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Terrain Advantage
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Weaponry Choice
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Plot Armour
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Battle Two

Warrior 1 - Percival Booth, The Storm Curse, Stormbreaker Axe.

Warrior 2 - Prince Fitzgerald ‘Rosè’ Archibald of Guapo, The Wind Curse, Basket of Infinite Flowers.

The Grand Canyon.

Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Additional Effects
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Terrain Advantage
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Weaponry Choice
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Plot Armour
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

vault descriptions for each curse so people not in the server can see



personally i don’t see how reflection can beat spatial in speed when it can literally teleport, reflection seems to be focused on damage, not light, and i’m not sure anything can have more of a terrain advantage than space itself

@Randomness Are we allowed to vote on our own battles or no

Battle Three

Warrior 1 - Hat, The Rebar Curse, Concrete Mixer.

Warrior 2 - Banana, The Velocity Curse, Gauntlets

Mount Orthys

Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Additional Effects
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Terrain Advantage
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Weaponry Choice
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Plot Armour
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

this isn’t my battle, but i don’t see how wind can be faster than storm when 1. wind is part of storm and 2. lightning is also part of storm and is much faster than wind

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