Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

Funnily enough Rebar has a mechanic (real) where the stronger the user thinks they are, the less likely they are to see the concrete mixer fling towards their head

A list of curses I was thinking of choosing but didn't

Dream Curse (external): Allows the user to create a spherical “dream zone” which allows the user to do pretty much whatever they want inside it. The more unbelievable/OP the act is, the more energy it uses. Simply deleting someone would use too much energy to be possible Inspired by the Ope-Ope fruit.

Night Curse (elemental/external): Allows the user to summon, control and turn into “night energy”, a glowing bluish-purple energy with similar properties to Shadow. Can also summon and control comets, meteors and mini-stars.

F.O.R.C.E Curse (external): Allows the user to Fly, summon Orbs of energy, Read opponents’ moves, Control and Enhance their own attacks.

Reaper Curse (external): Allows the user to summon a deadly red-and-black energy with solid properties and shape it into any weapon or object they desire.

Quintessential Curse (elemental): Allows the user to summon and control all the original 7 magics (fire wind water earth shadow light lightning, but weaker than the original curse for each magic.)

Opposite Curse (external): Allows the user to reverse anyone’s abilities, such as causing the Power Curse to weaken the user or making the Poison Curse heal.

Copy Curse (external): Allows the user to copy any ability with a limit of one. Copied abilities are slightly stronger than the original, but use more energy.

You can literally make any acronym at this point and call it a a curse lol

Ngl a “word” curse of some kind would be pretty strong

you’d be able to spell a word that’s under 5-6 letters long, you’re allowed repeating letters.

whatever you spell, it actually manifests as an attack that can benefit you

I.E if I spelled “N U K E” I’d create a massive explosion

“H E A L” I’d heal myself

“G U N” guess what this does

“C L O N E”

“A R M Y”

“D E A T H”

“B L A S T”

“G R O W”

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Okay looking at all of this, it makes sense.
You have cappy’s mind control from Mario odyssey, several psychic type attacks from Pokémon, and unmatched resilience.

However, I can see a few curses who can beat yours. Namely, light curse and glow curse (blinding gets in the way of your telekinesis and psychic manipulation), chemical (for being just downright overpowered) and darkness (too dark to see)

please explain to me how flashing lights beats someone who can withstand being burned alive. :neutral_face:

also what do you think of the word curse

Can’t see = can’t direct your mind based attacks. Messes with the mind, you rely on your mind to fight.
Also, pretty sure random is making you burnable alive. Because curses can’t be too overpowered.
Then again this is the place with the chemical curse and unity curse.

I will swear word at you


dude I can’t even get mind controlled by level ngl

this doesn’t make any sense lmao

me screaming fuck to my opponent:

Bold text test because I want to test it mainly because I need to use it for funny

Bold text test fails

@discobot help

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot display help

I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Stay away from what might have been and look at what will be. — Marsha Petrie Sue

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

Example tiebreak
1 - Warrior 1
2 - Warrior 2
@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2

i will compress my opponents attacks and turn it into a nuke

Seems slightly similar to cursed speech in Jujutsu Kaisen; the user can speak a word and it effects their opponent (for example they can tell them to ‘freeze’ and they’d stop moving, or ‘explode’ and they’d explode). The backlash is that using powerful commands on powerful opponents causes immense stress on his vocal cords, to the point where he can throw up blood

(embed fail)

Maple//Disgrace Tiebreak.
1 - Maple’s Victory
2 - Disgrace’s Victory

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2