Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

Level//Shell Tiebreak
1 - Level
2 - Shell

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 1

Not an against all odds moment, that’s tragic.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Round 1 Complete

These Participants are moving onto the next round.

  • sock
  • Percival Booth
  • Hat
  • Archenhailor
  • The Glooper
  • Typ
  • Tammy A. Indie Turvingham Corner the Fourth
  • Disgrace
  • Level
  • Veronica Gates
  • Tetragon
  • Divanochi

Be patient, more information will be unveiled shortly.

The bracket has been updated:

I can’t believe my executioner mf I pulled out of my ass is getting so high up

End of Round 1 Announcement

The battle between the Spatial Curse and the Reflection Curse users lasted for hours. Around the colosseum space warped in spirals, with large spikes of metal pierced into the ground at intervals. One such spike reflected off of the Sanek’s shield, launching itself back to the direction of the owner, however it was quickly absorbed by a hole cut in the air. Soon however, they realised time was running low, and Sock used their abilities to get closer to Sanek, knocking them to the floor. “I submit. You win.” Shouted Sanek. Sock laid down their weapons at the call.

“Well done. That was a good fight.”

Suddenly a voice rang out from high in the stands of the arena. “The battle is not over.”

Sock laughed, looking around for the source of the sentence, confused. “Of course it is. They submitted, I win!”

“No.” Said the voice once more. “The battle will only be over when you kill them.”

The user of the Spatial Curse laughed once more at what they believed to be a sadistic joke.

“Dispatch the Reflection Curse user now. Else you shall both face my wrath.”

Sanek stood up. “Enough games. The battle is over, come out from wherever you’re hiding.”

The voice spoke for the last time. “I do not jest. This is no game.”

A bolt of blinding fire flew past Sock’s neck, close enough to cause a burning pain, a forceful agony directing them to their action.

Without wanting to anger the powerful voice more, they shakily dispatched the life of Sanek with a simple blast of their curse, at first without even a thought - but then watching as the blood of their guilt spilt over the floor, realising their mistake. In a split second, billions of people watching this fight from the comfort of their homes - screamed.

“The victory of the first fight goes to Sock, Wielder of the Spatial Curse!”

However not all battles ended in such an unwilling murder. Tammy A. Indie Turvingham Corner the Fourth, as the other participants knew her, was faced against the powerful Sacrifice Curse user, Unoriginal.

They were fighting throughout the area of a large ancient city, but however large it was, Unoriginal did not turn back from the fight and hide.

Tammy grinned as she drew her sword.

This would be the first kill he required on his path to power.

The function of the Glitch Curse was simple to understand, and although it was in its weakest stage at the moment, as soon as Tammy set her eyes upon the Sacrifice Curse user, she threw her sword, which cleaved through the air like nothing and impaled through the heart of the opponent easily.

Their body began to corrode into flashes of light and numbers, leaving nothing but a black sludge where they stood seconds ago. The sludge was veiled with a glowing aura, numbers were appearing and disappearing around it - or were they? It was difficult to see it well.

Tammy watched as the sludge merged with their flesh, feeling the surge of power as their body began to glitch slightly, their skin gently warping under even the slightest touch.

An easier fight than expected.

Important Note

Even if you were eliminated and killed during that round, you are still more than welcome to vote in the polls, powerscale in the discord or whatever else.

The battle may look as if it’s over. However those who deserve so, may get a second chance. No spoilers of course.

Lore Moment 1: Start

Now that round one is over, the remaining participants get a chance to reconvene, wipe the blood off of their guilty hands, and have a moment of solace and reconsideration.

All remaining participants are able to spend this Lore Moment however they want. Whether that is just chatting to the other contestants, RPG style roleplay or writing a short extract on their characters reactions to the first fight, most things are good with me. Think of it like a bit of a large DND game without all the numbers.

So go ahead, what do you want to do for the moment?

No large plot changing activities allowed.

You may use the forum topic or the #lore-moment channel in the discord for this.


That Typ guy over there has a camera. However dark these moments are, shouldn’t we at least make some memories?

Each Lore Moment Typ gets one attempt to write a ‘Memory’ - an interaction between himself and one other character. Although this memory will give the Willpower Curse a strength boost during the tournament, during the Final Battle, the amount of Memories gained may change the fate of the world. I suggest contacting Typ if you want to be part of his first Memory.

The Memory will be judged by myself, and if I believe it to be of sufficient standard, Typ will be granted the Memory Boost.

However, first, is a message from our Sponsor Old Friend -

“Tammy… is a lie… Typ…”




You are supposed to feel guilty

Although I can’t wait to see what everyone does, guilty or not, for the lore moment

me when i cleave key in half

my character is a fucking sadist just like me and how i hunted randos for renown in AO :money_mouth_face:

I really was disrespected huh

glitch curse user here
not only were you disrespected but in your last moments alive you turned into this thing
so yeah, out of the frying pan into the fire.
i kinda feel bad.

my curse probably would’ve ended up killing me even if I killed anyone anyways

Wow the power of the sun actually got me to the second round… this crazy fr…

While we have a rest period for the next battles, I teach myself how to do this.

Only much, MUCH bigger. And it burns.
It’s called glowmob in game and I’ll call it that too.

im going to kill you irl…

Can I sell popsicles and ice cream out of my fridge for my lore moment after the first round? :pensive: