Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

so like do I just write the lore moments here to be reviewed?

and how do I get a contestant to make the lore moment

You can attempt to write one memory per lore moment. Dm me it or ping me with it here or on the discord. I’ll judge whether it’s good enough to be granted the buff.

it’s probably gonna be on the discord later but I’m in school rn so I can’t write it

I want Percival to be close to executing the wind prince guy with his axe tbh

No worries the Lore Moment lasts longer than a Round. Also write it about anyone remaining, it’s completely optional for others to ask if they want to be part of this memory.

can I write about taking photos of like… the arena or whatnot?

Yeah. Pictures of people, the arena you fought in, whatever.

I wanna sell some ice cream :>

what the fuck am i supposed to do against that
dbz lazer you?
this is what happened to you when you fought god first round last time

Yeah unfortunately you’re fight will be much more focused on the lore. Ill give you a hint that it will be important to the silly little plot enough for me to write it myself.

lettuce lore story with the glow curse

“Foul…. Terrible sportsmanship. Why were they forced to commit a murder?”
The boy, roughly 17 years old, sits in a park, thinking of what he had to watch earlier. “Such an incredible battle…. These new magics were no joke, but spatial rifts? Meteorites? That’s incredible!”
He had to keep himself from getting too far ahead himself.
“…But, the murders… why were those forced? There was no reason to do it until they forced it…. That’s foul.”
He gets up and begins pacing around.
“The fights, the dangers…. I’ll probably get killed too….”
His mind begins racing. It’s like a bull in a rodeo, kicking about and staying unstable.
His pacing soon escalates into running, trying to get his energy and thoughts out before they overtake him.
Eventually, the boy comes to a stop and sits back down.
“My curse, though…. Bright lights, yes?”
“There are a few dark curses in the tourney… Darkness, Equinox… those could be easy pickings if I play my cards right.”
Step, Step, Step.
He is tapped on the shoulder by another person.
The boy looks back and up to them. They are roughly his age, and are wearing lots of dark clothes - a long robe, black gloves, and a hood lowered down to reveal scruffy brown hair, pale skin, and cobalt blue eyes.
“What do you want?”
“You. You’re participating in the course tournament, correct?”
“Uhm, Yeah! The curse I found was a bright green cube… It almost blinded me, but when I grabbed it, my vision…. Normalized? I can look straight at the sun right now, and it hardly looks bright…”
“What a remarkable power. Can you show it to me?”
The boy holds out his hand. Focusing his powers, a small bubble of glowing green light appears in his hand.
The other boy squints as he tries to view the magic bubble.
“What kind of energy even is that?”
“It’s light. It’s kind of like radiation… but it’s super bright and can paralyze foes if you use enough of it. I’ve decided to call it glow magic.”
The other guy looks at the orb keenly, before the boy dissipates it.
“Quite a fitting name for it, I see. Say, I haven’t asked your name yet. Care to tell me?”
“My name is Aimie Anchor, but you should just call me Lettuce. What is your name?”
The other person hesitates before speaking.
“Just call me Vance.”
“Well, it’s been a pleasure to meet you, Vance!”
“A fine little talk as well. But if you’re going into the tournament…”
Vance takes lettuce’s hand.
“I have some things I need to show you.”
Lettuce’s stomach began scampering around, like a rat confronted by a cat.
After a little bit of travel, The two of them eventually duck into a remote alleyway, a large glade amongst the buildings.
Vance pulls out a staff, one made of dark metal whilst adorning a black onyx jewel on the tip. Something about it was faintly shimmering, perhaps to hide its presence. No wonder lettuce hadn’t seen this thing until now.
“Follow my actions,” Vance says.
Raising his staff into the air, Vance swirls it in a circular motion, erecting dark particles in a giant ball above his head.
Lettuce tries to follow suit. Raising his arm, he swirls it around. Faint glowing lights appear, but nothing big happens.
“Hmmm. You aren’t doing it correctly,” Vance says.
Vance snaps, and in an instant his giant ball of shadows disappears.
“What was I doing wrong?” Lettuce asks.
“Don’t fret. I’ll show you how to do the technique without a weapon.”
Vance grabs lettuce’s arm and raises it up. He begins swirling it around, slowly and steadily.
In a few moments, a giant orb of radiating light appears over the heads of the two. Lettuce looks quite shocked at this.
“Good job. We should call that one a glowmob, shot don’t you say?”
Lettuce nods instinctively.
“Good. I learned how to do that spell myself, before it happened.”
“Don’t question it. But be sure to get better at using it. It’ll be very important in fights, especially with a magic that can create flashes so bright they shock foes.”
“Hold on, so this spell is just an enormous flashbang?”
Lettuce’s blue eyes glow up, almost literally.
“Also, one more thing.”
Vance pulls out a small glass sphere. It resonates with teal, yellow, white, and purple colors.
“This small looking toy can turn the tides of a battle, given the chance to.”
“Ooh, what does it do?” Lettuce asks.
“It creates copious lightning strikes around the battlefield.”
“So you’re saying this thing can obliterate and electrocute foes if I get lucky?”
“Not quite. These strikes aren’t very harmful, but they emit formidably potent electrical fields that paralyze.”
“Can they potentially kill somebody?”
“Again, not quite…. Unless your opponent is a robot or relying too heavily on one. The electrical fields can force a short circuit to them in the blink of an eye. If they rely on technology too much, you most likely have won since they don’t have their engine, per say, with them.”
“Super cool. Does thing have any drawbacks?”
“Unfortunately, there is. Using it drains it’s power completely until you give yourself a chance to rest. Only then will it have all of its power back.”
Vance leaves the orb in Lettuce’s hand.
“I believe I’ve done enough for now. If you ever find yourself in deep trouble, I will try to help.”
“Uhm, thanks?”
“And don’t forget to be get better at using glowmob. If used right, you could potentially bowl through the rest of this tournament.”
And with that, Vance snapped his finger and disappeared into thing air, leaving nothing but dark particles where he stood.
Lettuce sticks the electrified orb in his pocket.
“I don’t get the vibes of that guy… but he taught me a new spell, and that could be incredible.”
Lettuce begins to raise his arm, and slowly swirl it around.
In seconds, a bright mob of light appears over his head.
Waving his arm downwards, he chucks the giant orb like a bomb towards the area right in front of him.
“Well, nothing better to do than get better at using this…”

For those too lazy to read:


Vance really said "It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this: "

I don’t think anyone would want to interact with typ since he’s clearly not human (lonely ass mf) but then again typ isn’t very bothered I’d assume

This universes Typ probably looks much more humanoid + everyone loves a good protagonist

well typ is already humanoid

but like

anthropomorphic goofy ass :skull:

though he’s not really a species anyone would recognize so

Everyone will just think he’s a furry. But they have slightly bigger issues on hand. How the hell the Voice even convinced Typ to murder is a question, but what they’ll take with their god camera is another.

I’m expecting the best quality from the memory. At least perfect english and grammar (real)

hard to do that because

he doesn’t have fur + his skin color is weird (I’m deciding between blank white or like purpleish or light blue or something)

his ears and other frill like thingies

too “lifelike” to be a cosplayer

Eium be like “Whoaaa, are you an alien? Can I experiment on you? +^+”

:neutral_face: gulp

I think he’d walk away pretty quickly