Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

I dunno ngl maybe tonight

I have time now

I don’t :fr:

(was gonna drop tendon acumens description but it appears I do not need to anymore :sleeping:)

Sock/Percival Booth tiebreak
1 - Percival Booth
2 - sock
@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2

Rip, gg
I almost managed to bs my way out of that

gg, though i think i pulled more bs, i asked like 5 different people to help rig the votes

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Round 3 Complete

These participants are moving onto the next round:

  • sock
  • Typ
  • Level
  • Divanochi
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End of Round 3 Announcement

Typ Vs Lettuce

The waters swirled around their ankles, out of pure fear, Lettuce was hanging on to a metal pole, watching as people got swept away in the quickly rising currents.

In the recent hours, the waters around the town had risen and fallen with no warning, causing huge damages to buildings and people, however Lettuce was currently in a fight with Typ, wielder of the powerful Willpower Curse. The sunlight had been shining on them from directly above for well over twelve hours, although causing little discomfort in heat due to the freezing water, it greatly weakened the Glow Curse.

Typ leapt from above and swung his axe of flesh towards Lettuce’s arm, although the action seemed violent, the Glow Curse user noticed a small smirk on the face, which he replied with a simple nod.

The Glow Curse, as the name suggested, glowed, blinding Typ for enough time for Lettuce to jump up onto a nearby building.

The axe struck him in the chest, causing a burst of blood as it crushed the warriors lungs.

Typ looked at the body and watched as it gave what looked to be it’s final breath.

“The winner of the second battle is Typ!!”

Typ smiled at his victory.

“I’ve only ever met one who dared to defy me to such a point in the past.” Said the Voice.

“And they were destined to be the strongest human to ever live. Until a certain man came along and changed it all.”

“You can’t fool me like that. I’m sorry young one but this is how it must end.”

An inferno of pure white flames consumed Lettuce’s body and the Tendon Acumen, instantly burning flesh into ash and bones into dust.

The Tendon Acumen has been partially damaged by the white flames and has weakened

This is the price to pay for a chance.

Lore Moment 3 Start

Same rules apply. I guess there is less of a reason for a lore moment now that so little of you remain. However anything will still give a slight advantage

Same rules apply for Typ’s Memory

“He was too much of a coward to fight… he won’t be a risk to you.”

Lore Moment lasts until the Semifinals end.

Semifinals start in about 24 hours

I gotta get more popular on forums if I want to be able to convince people to vote me without needing to bribe so hard :sob:

who or what caused the white flames


alright well that’s not awful…


just wondering but if i fought you, who would win?

arena: the whirlpool where my battle was hosted in (right before my death)

I dunno man :sob:

My weapon is nerfed I need a new one

take note the version of you i’m fighting is the one before this battle (aka round 2 chemical vs round 2 willpower)

I wanna do a trade w/ someone but idk who’s alive

me, level, and diva are alive

I’m honestly unsure who I can trade with

if anyone at all

Prometheus you jerkwad