Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

I’m sorry it’s for the plot (Typ gets a huge boost from your death)

Let me come back to life later at least. Even without the curse, I would love it.

revival arc

Semifinals Start

4 Remaining. There will not be a lore moment in between the Semifinals and Finals.

Battle One

Warrior 1 - sock, The Spatial Curse, Tungsten Stakes.

Warrior 2 - Typ, The Willpower Curse, Unbreakable Camera, Damaged Tendon Acumen. Fire Resistance (I). 3.1415x boost from base.

The Ancient Arena, Mount Orthys.
Magical Weather:
Hellthunder -

  1. Rapid strikes of Crimson Lightning which will evaporate anything (including all magic abilities - yes this includes portals) if it hits. No way to defend against this.
  2. Deep red clouds which obscure sunlight easily.
  3. Torrential rains which sweeps away people easily
  4. Heavy winds which can knock peoples abilities flying
Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Additional Effects
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Terrain Advantage
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Weaponry Choice
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Plot Armour
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Sheer Luck
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Strategic Prowess
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Battle Two

Warrior 1 - Level, The Unity Curse, Avolition.

Warrior 2 - Divanochi, The Meteorite Curse, Meteorite Rifle.

The Palace of Gods - Mount Olympus
Magical Weather:

Deathfog -

  1. Giant heavy clouds of slow moving gas which disables all curse abilities and weapon abilities as well as causing serious damage to lungs very quickly. No way to counter the disabling ability.
  2. Very difficult to see through.
  3. Causes discomfort and stinging in the eyes, nose and mouth
  4. Cannot be easily dispelled by abilities
Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Additional Effects
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Terrain Advantage
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Weaponry Choice
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Plot Armour
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Sheer Luck
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Strategic Prowess
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

1 Like
curse vault description for those not in the server

i’m gonna run through each stat this time


i don’t really think i’ll need to argue for offence since willpower doesn’t have much in the way of attacking anyway, but spatial has some pretty devastating attacks such as severing space as mentioned in the curse vault, as well as attacks that can make an opponent unable to fight without harming them if the user chooses to show mercy such as cutting space, also in the curse vault. they can also throw stuff such as a large rock or their tungsten stakes, or even make an opponent continually fall with portals until they reach an extreme speed, and then rocket them toward the ground, or use this on a rock (or even their stakes) to create something even greater than a gun


willpower is basically just grit and going on even if you’re damaged, spatial has ways to actually defend against attacks effectively and avoid harm such as portals, warping space to make attacks miss, teleporting out of the way of attacks, or creating more space so attacks cannot reach, as typ themself has said

honestly, being to able to create an infinite aura of space such that nothing can reach the user as said by typ doesn’t really have much that can beat it in terms of defence


teleportation, nothing can really get any faster than that, there’s also the portal acceleration method mentioned in offence, which if combined with a vacuum can let an object go well beyond its terminal velocity

additional effects

spatial can create a variety of additional effects to mess with opponents such as throwing stuff around, warping space to bend the arena and attacks in disorienting ways, using portals to redirect attacks or make an opponent trip by putting one where they’re about to step, shrinking and enlarging objects, as well as a lot more

terrain advantage

i’ve said this before but i don’t really see how anything can have more of a terrain advantage than space itself, its whole thing is about messing with the terrain and space around you, and even if the crimson lightning can get rid of portals, there’s still a lot more that spatial can do than willpower, such as warping the terrain around them, shrinking and enlarging the terrain to mess with footing or to extend the ground in whatever way, as well as just cutting up the ground or even making it float, they essentially control the battlefield

weaponry choice

since the latest lore moment, typ’s special weapon they got from level, tendon acumen, has been severely nerfed, practically rendered unusable according to typ.

this weapon primarily takes the form of a sword or greataxe while the tungsten stakes (which btw just the clarify are like vampire hunter stakes, not what you use to nail down tents) are ranged weapons that can also be controlled mid air. this is essentially like bringing a knife to a gun fight but even worse, as the spatial curse could allow these stakes to reach an incredible velocity while still being able to change their movements if they’re going to miss, or even use portals or teleportation to suddenly change their location

and it’s not like a camera or fire resistance will do anything, fire resistance won’t even have anything to resist

plot armour

ok fair, but i did write all this out so that’s probably worth something

sheer luck

my last battle between the storm curse was left up to a coin toss, which i evidently won, while typ has never had to rely on fate to win. i believe that shows some sort of elevated degree of luck

strategic prowess

i’ve been writing stuff to convince people to vote for me every round including this one which is the most comprehensive this far, and compiled a detailed list of the powers the spatial curse has in the discord server’s curse vault as well as spitballing some ideas of how to win against certain curses in the server too, so i think i have this vote

Word of note:

the damage affinity nerf was a joke

so it’s not unusable

just… worse endlag

Shooting down all of the weird points sock made to try and get y’alls votes

willpower on it’s way to completely ignore other people’s gimmicks through sheer rage alone:

The entire game.

everyone forgot huh.

-spirit weapons
-demoralization that ignores range
-what else, hyper strength? check

Willpower can’t do this as much but I’m able to still affect physical matter around me to work for my bidding

I can even increase cellular regeneration of myself by A TON and possibly weaken the physical powers of others (this point is so random but it’s definitely not something to glance over)

Probably can’t beat this category sadly but aw well :pensive:


are you serious rn

look at every single battle I’ve had and click on the plot armor category

there were definitely a few fights I should’ve lost

omg same!!!

I’ve been writing how I could counter most curses too, for some reason my efforts have gone unsung it seems.

it is physically impossible to ignore space itself, what are you gonna do when you’re a bunch of puzzle pieces? you’d just be laying on the ground unable to move. willpower’s defence is also still less than spatial’s because willpower can actually get hit, while you’ve said spatial can’t

still lesser than spatial

i still believe spatial has greater additional effects, your way of affecting matter so you can move them is something spatial can already do and excels at while also having other powers. even if you weaken their physical powers to the point where they can’t walk, spatial could still teleport or fly, and although you have rapid regeneration, you have said so yourself that spatial can just create an aura of infinite space to never get hit at all, which is greater

also hyper strength isn’t really that much tbh, not like you can punch a spatial attack away or something, and i could just use gravity to put enough strain on you so that you’re effectively back to normal strength

basically, spatial has greater additional effects because it can either do what you can do but better, or easily counter what you can do while also having a myriad of special affects you don’t have access to

you’ve never had to rely on a dice roll to win though

if you’ve just been doing it in the discord server it will have gotten lost, it would’ve been better to do it here where people are voting so they can find it easier and let people who aren’t in the discord actually see it

and yet it’s physically impossible to control willpower

but it still happened, didn’t it.

though true, my point still stands, also demoralizing skills that, ahem, IGNORE RANGE is not a joke to scoff at.

that’s what’s lovely about willpower though

why would you even WANT to do any of these things if you mentally lack the willpower to do so?

unfortunately, spatial control isn’t very mental so you have no counter against my trump card.

skill issue

ok but your power is willpower, it isn’t related to space

unless i strike first. with my higher speed stat it’s certainly possible. what happens if you’re puzzle pieced and you get rid of all my will? the technique would probably be undone and you’d just be a pile of chunks on the ground, dead. and you’ve said the infinite space aura thing is a passive, so that wouldn’t come undone anyway, just resulting in a standstill until you release your power, in which case i’ll just proceed to win, so spatial still wins in additional effects

exactly, so i have more luck

  • Both get struck by lightning
  • dead


I really don’t understand this speed argument.

I’m literally faster by default

(I can do it instantly, subconsciously, without any hesitation, and you’d probably get affected the second the battle began)

also how does space turn someone into puzzle pieces tf???

I really should’ve died from sludge and the hyper burst but I’d argue that my plot armor has pretty much saved me several times

So who’s really the luckier one here?


also @sock have you seen this :smirk:

Why do you have the terrain advantage

this is literally countering your gimmick

idk man, space is pretty fast and probably just as instant, can’t really get any faster than teleportation

also the puzzle piece thing is because i don’t like the idea of cutting space also cutting whatever’s in that space, i chose an interpretation where they aren’t harmed but just separated while still connected kind of, you can basically just think of it as law’s ability from one piece

me since i actually had to rely on luck to win a battle, your plot armour isn’t luck since it was something people could vote for and it’s what your curse excels in

it only really counters the portals, i can warp the space and then just set it like that so it’s no longer a magic ability to still mess with the battlefield

also, wouldn’t this also equally destroy your terrain advantage? your only thing is imbuing your willpower into objects which would just get completely cancelled by the lightning, basically giving you 0 terrain advantage at all while spatial can still do some things

This shit got a fine line between saitama vs goku and 3rd grade playground ass fighting rp

isn’t plot armor literally just absurd luck tho :neutral_face:

also couldn’t every stat count as luck since we’re voting for them? the polls shouldn’t be used in the argument

Ya but I can also do some things as well

sure I don’t have my imbues but I’m not helpless

I don’t get why tf people are so one sided about my power

also I just realized something very important.

Isn’t this the final battle?

sort of but not exactly i think, it’s the universe siding with you whereas luck is just getting lucky because you’re lucky

i don’t think so because you can try and convince people to vote for you and there’s some strategy in trying to pick a curse with inherently good stats

what else can you do in terms of terrain advantage, move around? spatial can teleport

i’m just trying to win, i do think your power is cool
