Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

Semifinals Over

Divanochi and sock will move onto the final round.

Finals Begin

This is not the Final Battle of the whole event.

sock and Divanochi stood opposite each other in the worn arena. Pure white flames rained down from the sky around them.”

“This is the finals then.”

“May the best fighter win.”

“This was certainly an experience for me to remember.

Final Round

Warrior 1 - sock, The Spatial Curse, Tungsten Stakes.

Warrior 2 - Divanochi, The Meteorite Curse, Meteorite Rifle.

The Final Arena - Unknown Location
Magical Weather:

Promethean Apocalypse -
Large white fireballs fall from the sky.
Will burn both people, abilities and the environment easily, occasionally with random effects.

Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
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0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
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Additional Effects
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Terrain Advantage
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Weaponry Choice
  • 1
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Plot Armour
  • 1
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0 voters

Sheer Luck
  • 1
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0 voters

Strategic Prowess
  • 1
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  • 1
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curse vault description for those not in the server


spatial has some very effective attacks such as severing and cutting space (which would actually be unblockable since they’re messing with the fabric of space itself), creating vacuums, throwing stuff, and using portals to accelerate objects to extreme speeds and launching them faster than any gun. meteorite is very fast falling rocks, but what happens if one of those rocks gets redirected by a portal, or even trapped into a portal accelerator? now it’s the spatial curse’s attack, and they have a giant hunk of rock moving at practically infinite speeds (if the portal accelerator is combined with a vacuum it can rid of all drag force and raise terminal velocity to literally light speed) to throw at their opponent


spatial has portals, can warp space to make things miss, and unreachability as typ has said. i think that’s better than just some rocks


teleportation and portal acceleration, it’s literally not possible to get faster than straight up teleportation

additional effects

spatial can warp space to mess with the surroundings, use portals to make an opponent trip by placing one at their foot, shrink and enlarge objects, and move stuff around. meteorite is just rocks

terrain advantage

it is literally space itself, not really possible to get more of a terrain advantage than that. it can warp space to distort the arena and surrounding area, shrink or enlarge it to mess with footing or extend it out in whatever way, make it float, cut it up, and move it around. meteorite is just falling rocks, which are easily counteracted by spatial with either portals or one of the methods listed above

weaponry choice

diva’s weapon has been described as a musket, which although it is a gun, it has an egregious reload time of around 30 seconds. spatial’s stakes are ranged weapons that can reach speeds just as fast as a gun either through standard telekinesis or through portal acceleration without needing to be reloaded at all, so while diva’s busy jamming gunpowder and a tiny rock down their barrel they’ll have to worry about getting stabbed by about 20 spikes of metal ceaselessly hurling toward them

plot armour

idk but i’ve been writing a bunch of stuff this entire time so that’s worth something

sheer luck

my battle against the storm curse user ended in a coin flip which i won, so i believe that shows something

strategic prowess

i’ve been writing paragraphs each round to try and convince people to vote for me and provided a detailed list of the powers the spatial curse has, as well as trying to figure out ways to counteract certain curses in the discord server, i’ve put a lot of thought and theorising into this to try and win


what could be more adaptable than space? it’s everywhere, in every place, in every condition, with no problem at all. plus the plethora of powers it has are extremely versatile with an incredible amount of ways to use them in almost any situation, basically having a solution to any problem with enough creativity



Man this is bollocks

both of them die to the fireballs :joy:

literally how? spatial’s main thing is about messing with space itself, controlling the battlefield, you can’t really get a better advantage that. if it’s because of the falling fireballs and the meteorite curse being able to control them or something, well, they literally can’t, those aren’t meteors, they’re just fire, meteors are made of rocks. spatial actually can control the fireballs either through telekinesis, portals, or warping space to change their trajectory. if it’s because people think the meteorite curse would be able to combine a meteor with one or something that’s also wrong, it says the fire will easily burn through their abilities and the environment, it’d just turn it into a pile of ash before it can do anything

tbh I voted that just cuz I was mad that I died :rage:

fair, but please reconsider

Guys vote for sock fr

Sock for Supreme Overlord of Earth

@sock has won the tournament

gg, can’t wait to die in the final battle

Finals Over

As the body of Divanochi fell limp to the ground in a burst of blood, sock stood up straight and the world cheered.

“May I present the victor of Prometheus’ Arena!”

Within the frenzy, an old man stood up from the stands above and walked down to face sock.

“Well… well done. I’ve never seen anything like that. I am the creator of this arena. My name doesn’t matter - my experiment is nearly complete.” However, the old man was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a certain horseman.

The air behind the Spatial Curse user rippled and split, and a man without a head strode out from the shining light.

“Prometheus. I’ve found you.”

“Headless. How long has it been? Three hundred and two million years? Well luckily, you’ve arrived at just the correct time. You see I’ve taken inspiration from your little party trick.”

Behind Prometheus appeared a limp figure with glowing eyes.

“This here is the current host of the Randomness Curse, an almost exact replica of your Roulette Curse. If our winner over here can defeat them, they’ll be more worthy of my plans and I’ll give them the curse instead.”

Headless smirked, “I have nothing to do with the Roulette Curse, I only manipulated fate to my own advantage.”

“That doesn’t mean anything to me, behold, the true Million Magics. My Million Magics.”

This is not the final battle of the whole event

Versus the Randomness Curse - Million Magics Reborn

Warrior 1 - sock, The Spatial Curse, Tungsten Stakes

Warrior 2 - Randomness, The Randomness Curse, Scepter of Promethean Flame. Prometheus’ Desire and the Million Magics


The Final Arena - Unknown Location

Magical Weather:

Promethean Finale -

Thousands of flaming darts rain down onto the arena as the world watches in fear.

Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
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0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
  • 1
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  • 1
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Additional Effects
  • 1
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Terrain Advantage
  • 1
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Weaponry Choice
  • 1
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Plot Armour
  • 1
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0 voters

Sheer Luck
  • 1
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0 voters

Strategic Prowess
  • 1
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  • 1
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Randomness showing up 5 seconds later with the power of god and anime on his side:

nah wtf @randomness stole my gimmick raaahh :rage:

@sock stole my gimmick

Canonically accurate typ should just bloop into this reality and give headless a really good ass beating because this is NOT POGGERS

curse vault description for those not in the server

this really will be the final testimony


the spatial curse is capable of devastating unblockable attacks, severing space to instantly cut something is two or cutting space to do the same thing without harming them. they are also capable of creating a true vacuum, an area no human can survive in, though sock would still be able to live by making a sort of oxygen tank out of portals. there is also gravity manipulation since gravity is just the curvature of space according to general relativity, the spatial curse would be able to crush opponents under extreme weight, rendering them immobile and a splat on the ground, even more so if this is combined with spatial telekinesis. they can also use portals, teleportation, warping space, and telekinesis to redirect whatever attack an opponent throws at them, effectively making every offensive move on the battlefield theirs to use. in conjunction with this, they would also be able to use portals combined with a vacuum to get rid of drag resistance to accelerate attacks and objects (including their tungsten stakes) to practically infinite speeds, the only limit being the speed of light. this process can also be sped up by increasing the gravity around the object, making it fall faster through the portals


spatial can use portals, warping space, spatial telekinesis, and teleportation to redirect whatever attack is thrown at them, teleport to instantly get out of the way if need be, and has literal unreachability through creating infinite space as typ has said, which means attacks will just never be able to reach them no matter how fast they are.


spatial can teleport themself and objects around them, which is literally impossible to get faster than, it is instant movement. they also have attacks that can do instant unblockable damage, namely severing space and cutting space. they can also use portals combined with a vacuum to accelerate objects to effectively infinite speeds, giving them attacks near the speed of light

additional effects

spatial can warp space the distort the battlefield, use cutting space to puzzle piece opponents and whatever else, use portal to make opponents trip by placing on where they’re going to step, increase gravity tremendously to crush an opponent into the ground, or make the entire arena float, they can accelerate things to near light speed using portals, they can create perfect vacuums, throw stuff around with spatial telekinesis, cut up the arena with either severing or cutting space, shrink and enlarge objects and people, and teleport

terrain advantage

the spatial curse’s whole thing is about manipulating space, the area around you, it basically controls the battlefield. they can warp space to distort the arena in whatever way they please, make it float, cut it up, shrink and enlarge it in however they want (could be funny combined with floating to make an opponent fall), and move it around with spatial telekinesis. they can also use teleportation and portal to move around the arena better and faster than anyone else could. if people are concerned about the flaming darts raining down, well, spatial can use those to their advantage too by making them their own attack, redirecting them through portals, warping space, telekinesis, and teleportation. they can also do this with pretty much any attack on the battlefield at all as said in the offence category

weaponry choice

they have a stick and some old guy’s want, i have 20 tungsten spikes that can be accelerated to near light speeds. it doesn’t matter how determined you are with a knife, you can’t win a gun fight.

plot armour

i won the tournament and randomness only just appeared, and as the final boss no less. their role is to be defeated, they have like negative plot armour. also the guy who arranged the tournament, prometheus or something, wants me to win anyway for their experiment

sheer luck

i won the tournament, and even had to rely on the flip of a coin to win my battle against the storm curse user since it was a tie, which could also count towards my plot armour stat.

strategic prowess

i mean just read this thing man, and all the ones that came before it, i’ve been writing to say what the spatial curse can do to win each round and even spitballed some ideas in the discord server of how to counteract certain curses


space is everywhere, in every condition, all at once, perfectly. it is the essence of adaptability, being able to survive in any environment, for it is the environment. being able to control the environment will let you adapt to anything. spatial can warp space to make the environment more suit their needs, cut it up to change it how they want, make it float, shrink and enlarge whatever they want to deal with a situation, use portals and teleportation to instantly get wherever they need to be, move things however they need, and create more space if necessary. basically, if they don’t like the environment they’re in, they can change it however they want.




i wrote this entire thing out, c’mon man, i’ve been doing this every round too. i also asked like at least 5 different people to help me win in my battle against the storm curse user since it was a tie and i didn’t wanna leave it up to chance


i mean just read this thing man, and all the ones that came before it, i’ve been writing to say what the spatial curse can do to win each round and even had a bit of a back-and-forth with typ during our round. i even asked 5 different people to try and help me win during my battle with the storm curse, i don’t wanna lose at all

also if you’re worried about the randomness curse just having every type of magic and being able to do anything, don’t be, it’s just heightened gambling addiction
it just rolls on self destruct magic and kills itself, don’t even have to fight it then, there’s a lot of just bad magic it can roll onto to, mist magic, graphite magic, dust magic, there’s not much that can be done with those

Oh okay so he didn’t really copy the true million magics :relieved: