I inspect my findings under the nearest table.

it’s… a flash drive…

there’s a thin, glossy layer of opalescence to it.

the flash drive itself seems relatively average, ignoring where it originated from.

I wonder what could be used to find out the contents inside of it?

Can I try the computers in the nearby cubicles?

I take out my phone’s flashlight and keep looking

A monster with glowing screens for faces shambles and groans in the darkness… the tension begins to rise

You’ll need to roll for a stealth check to navigate the cubicle hallways without alerting the mass.

@discobot roll 1d20

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 20

thank you

effortlessly, you glide across the halls and even past the monster, completely avoiding its line of sight.

there’s a computer that you can see which looks perfectly usable.

I attempt to check the flash drive’s contents on the computer.

It’s time to find this next elevator…
I go left and find myself at the reception and begin scouring through it with my lighter still in hand.

You plug the flash drive in.

a file has appeared on the computer.

opening it reveals hundreds of files worth of ???4?$$$?44$/4$$$?//$#$(84&3494$4

roll for stealth

5 or lower= fail
10-6 = alerted of presence
15-10 = relatively decent (unless outside influence)
16-20 = critical success

I’m so getting a critical failure
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 6

Oh for fuck’s sake, I’m literally the weakest of all curse users present…

it’s noticed you.

you either gotta hide or you gotta start trying to exit the area

Oh I’m definitely trying to exit the area.
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 20