wait I replied to u?

I couldn’t tell who you were replying to but based on what you said I assumed it was me

Apologies, it seems I was mistaken


I dont even know whats on each floor I just had to balance it :face_in_clouds:

the elevator is going to floor 46.5 because of you…

Oh please no

luigi’s mansion speedruns be like

now we’re in the floor, but luckily, this means we can just about reach everything below us while also looting everything above as well. We’ve effectively got free loot.

And here I thought that it would instead be a floor of its own, created by an issue in reality caused by our indecisiveness…
It would have been fun to wander about within a nonsensical mix of chunks from its neighbors, to be in danger not only due to their content, but also because of its nature as a space, and finally, to find yourself breathe a sigh of relief as it returns to its normal state.

well, it’s still strange, it’s kind of shadowy and we see the floor below us as if it had no roof and we’re walking on air.

lmao what is happening

I rip off smug’s skin

Yeah, you heard that I win

You better take that, twin

Don’t you be callin it sin

When I murder tiny kin

Cuz I aint got no gin

I hump sharks on the fin

And then I eat some din

Of roasted chicken shin

I threw it in the bin

I’m out here like Yin

Striking out the pin

With a ball made out of tin

I don’t quit just like Quinn

Holy shit I improvised this whole bit

alright, since NOBODY could choose, we’re going to 47.


the elevator ride to this floor is significantly longer than the last one, presumably since the containment areas are isolated away from domestic locations.

as the giant metal hydraulic doors slide open to allow you to enter, you look around in a massive expansive hallway, the room is cold, but at least there’s light.

the solid metal floor and overall unwelcoming atmosphere of this place fills you with power.

you look around to notice dozens of metal doors with numbers and IDs next to them.

where do you go?


Right is still right, so right I go.

left is always right :sunglasses: lets go gamers

left is right so there I go

lots of doors, want to enter one?

more doors, what to enter?

they all look the same.

I enter the rightmost door.

fourth door but only if it waves back, otherwise the second one