:crystal_ball: Outlook good

I head right and enter the farthest room away.



-IH-483, also known as “wackybars” according to their packaging, seem to advertise themselves as “a delicious alternative to the foods you already eat”, however, absolutely zero nutritional benefit outside of protein and trace amounts of various metals have been deemed from these bars.

upon analysis of the actual bars contents, the results yielded are anything from pleasant, DNA scans reveal every bar is seemingly made from the flesh of humans, kumuians, maskjaws, and an unidentified species of urchin. the distribution of these ingredients varies between bar, as stated by the “5 gooberlicious flavors” that the box advertises.

these bars first started appearing in small convenience stores all across the state, and the first recorded instance of the bars was found in [REDACTED]. customers were complaining about a strange brand of candy that caused immense paranoia and feelings of being watched and talked to, thus, the foundation was notified and all instances of wackybars were confiscated and contained. no amnesiacs or memory wipes were necessary as those who continued to spread the news about the bar would be deemed as attention seekers, for a cover up story was quickly released.

upon consumption, wackybars seem to induce a psychoactive drug effect onto the consumer that causes them to begin seeing and hearing extremely hyperactive and almost angry voices, the consumer after around an hour of digestion will then enter a state of incredible distraught, believing something is trying to claw its way underneath them to [REDACTED] their [REDACTED]. strangely, during this paranoia, all electrical devices near the consumer begin to malfunction and often begin emitting abnormal amounts of alpha radiation. After around 2 hours of initial consumption, the consumer suddenly feels a sense of holy divinity, as they believe they can be capable of doing almost impossible feats. the effects of these bars wear off after around 4 hours, where the user becomes heavily nauseous, and vomits violently before finally being freed from the unusual effects of the bar.

I take one of these just in case it might help us later

you find yourself in a room with a large harp, connected to the harp appears to be what looks like outdated radio equipment.

where would you like to go now?

the next unexplored room

also where are these safety tables they’d be nice to note down

This is just the entire rp in a nutshell

this floor doesn’t seemingly have any readily available tables to it.

the next room you enter contains an empty fishtank filled with floating skeletons of what look like the remains of guppies.

I check my notes to see what this is

I plan to add more complex puzzles (and even bossfights) later down the line, trust me, it gets better from here

it’s a fishtank that doesn’t need water.

you try bagging it, but something is preventing you from reaching the tank.

you can’t add this anomaly to your inventory, let’s try a new room.

fine, next room it is

inside this room is a teddy bear holding what looks to be a shrunken head.

how morbid.

I know this one. I ain’t getting close to it. What’s it’s logs?

(gonna write the logs later since I’m sorta lazy but I’ll explain the gimmick anyway)

this teddy bear, IE-429, seems to be able to shrink inanimate matter without changing the weight of it, as well as passively emit a strange mist that is capable of reversing the effects.

it’s a shrink ray.

is it controllable, because if so I take it

kinda needs some orienting but otherwise it’s mostly controllable

also pretty soon I’m gonna start making you need to manage your inventory better because an infinitely massive backpack is sort of just flat out unfair

nerf time yep yep

oh we have logs
What’s the log for the cursed bodypillow?

wdym it’s unfair, it’s shrimply a part of my curse that I can collect various items that’ll payoff in the future

didn’t you say this was all balanced around kleptomania