Will write summary later but it’s essentially an extremely powerful healing potion

so powerful, that eating it while already healthy may actually cause tumor growth and uncontrollable cellular generation… be careful…

Very metally, much door. :face_with_monocle:

At first, not much, but suddenly the harp’s strings would twist and contort as a strange blue energy flowed through them, the harp began to form a shape out of its threads, which soon became what looked to be some kind of strange geometric pattern.

You enter a door, and upon exploring the new containment cell, you stumble across an unnaturally long, fleshy detached arm resting on a table.

there’s some strange alien technology scanning the bizarre thing.

ayyyy my curse might become relevant here
not gonna mess with it yet, is there anything displaying what is being scanned? if not, any clues to where the scan results are?

Seems to be made out of some kind of skin

likely artificial however

@discobot roll 1d20

Typo inflation is real.
(10,000 mental damage to dubious if roll 15+)

:game_die: 17


After taking a picture of it, I go and slightly modify the controls of the radio-like equipment to see whether the pattern changes or not.

I measure it’s flexibility, weight, using my curse, doing my best not to destroy it
@discobot roll 1d20
(for if it’s somehow fragile skin)

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I roll to break discobots legs
@discobot roll 1d20

I said… ROLL
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 17

Damn right

is this measured in braincells?

:game_die: 10

can you guys give me an update as to what you’re currently doing on floor 47?

(also inventory check would be nice)

can you give me next room

i’m just waiting for this
