Discobot was canonically revived in between these two forum curses
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 16

you’re able to pickpocket most doors/barricades, however, high clearance gates/metal doors cannot be picked.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Lockpick != pickpocket

i explore the waiting room; whats in there



well then I assume you can probably steal from most people? they’ll need to roll a 1d20 and if they get higher than you then they notice you trying to snatch from them

Okay can I steal the Custodian card from warm

It’s a large loungelike area with lots of chairs and recreational items laying around, like magazines and brochures.

there’s a poster of 2 individuals who you don’t recognize, one of them seems to be a human with unusually sharp teeth, the other person seems to be some kind of extraterrestrial with huge ears.

they’re in a very short comic strip about what would happen if the site ever breached, very fitting for your situation.

there’s a few old looking TVs strung up on the ceiling, these seem to have used to play shows, but now they simply display “CODE: SMUG” in bright red text.

there’s also a bucket that has a piece of paper taped on it, reading “LOST AND FOUND”

whats the comic strip

near the lost and found bucket there’s another comic strip that seems to be partially torn apart…

you can’t really make out what it says, but you can barely make out what’s going on

@Archenhailor seems important.

What have I missed

archen’s exploring the waiting room and looking at all the posters on the walls (there’s also a corkboard I’ll draw if needed) and randomness is attempting to pickpocket @warmwater

you’re all in the lobby trying to find a red button to get access into the deeper parts of the facility.

Suddenly, the lights flicker, and you notice something… off about the comics…

seems like there’s an enemy that can see through walls

Apolo starts looking under tables for the red button.

smuggy smu- you find the button underneath a brown table.

you notice something rather strange about these tables, they’re all bolted down to the floor securely.

something tells you that this might be important