Forum Curses Entr'acte: Who Am I?

I’m available now if you are. Otherwise I’d probably not be until tomorrow.

sure, join me at chaussettelilas


yeah, i didn’t wanna put a bunch of numbers after my name using sock so i turned to french instead


Seconds better then what I thought I’d get so


Anyways this was all really fun so thanks randomness for making it

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nobody pointed me out for spelling “edition” “addition”
Oops can you tell I was half asleep writing that

According to this, Bio has the same amount of points as me and Sanek, but isn’t tied for second like the two of us. Did you make a typo on the amount of points?

Oops yeah you got 17 along with sanek

Oh sweet items >:0
Congrats to @sock for the extremely devoted hunt for the truth behind the story

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Crap, I still need to claim my reward.

can I know what boss drop you want in advance

Calvus mantello would be sick.

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Is there a deadline on claiming rewards?


Woah this is so
I might start the Silly Goober stuff again soon to lessen the exam agony. We’re close to a second one so if you are yet to claim the prize be reminded that at any point you may, in the future, spam ping me.

Okay so I’m pretty sure its just @sanek_1 and @Dudeman who I forgot to give the rewards to. If either of you want to claim them just tell me what boss drops you want and I’ll make sure I have them. Don’t want to forget this because I’ll remember it in about three years time and feel guilty.

If I keep updating stuff like silly goober
Or the FC:E Sources or plan. I might actually be able to create a story outline for FC:2A before the world ends.
Board /b/nKHwkgVJ/. Have fun if you see this.


It’s time…

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