Forum Curses Entr'acte: Who Am I?

Anyone who correctly guesses what FC:A2 - NATWaS, ToAH
Means gets 3.557892 recurring points

Had a weird dream related to this

Where i guess everyones souls were trapped inside a box or something

Maybe that box was supposed to be a curse…?

You know, nobody has ever really asked what the inside of a curse cube is even like, what if, somehow, there could be entire miniature worlds or universes of their own inside them? Or at least, some of them, like the glitch curse hosting some corrupted mirror world for example.

Forum curses arena 2, absolutely no idea what the other 2 are
Also I can find a few good battle themes from the depths of my Spotify playlists

I’m not sure this counts as a conclusion since it was basically handed to us on a sparkly golden plate, but also the little voice in our head trying to get us out? Completely lying to us. It has its own agenda completely and will probably try and get us to do what it wants.

Thank you Sanek


Woah. This might be.

Points have been added, cooldown has been received.

Am I able to say what the fc:a2 is or no since im on cooldown

To be honest I don’t really care about the cooldowns anymore go crazy with ideas

Forum Curses: Act 2

Alright now the rest of it

Could the final one be Tournament of ____?

NATWaS is the name of the game, like Prometheus’ Arena or Who Am I.
ToAH is the name of one of two main events during the game.

Tournament of All Hallows keeps popping into my head for some reason but it’s probably __ Headless or something

Nope (it’s pretty random but will come into play)

Tournament of All Havoc? Tournament of All Heck(ll)?

Nope and nope. A does not stand for All,

My clue was going to be that it’s one of the magic synonyms in AO but the wiki doesn’t say it is - however I’m sure I’ve seen it in game.


Tournament of Apollo’s Heart? Tournament of Apollo’s Hearth?

tournament of arcane harbringers?




Also just a note, I screwed up its supposed to be Trial Of _____ _____ not tournament oops

Trial of A Headless?
Trial of A Horseman?