Welcome, we’re glad you could make it.

After that whole, erm, shall we say, “glitch” incident, you have proven yourself to be quite the capable fighters!

You must be wondering, who exactly am I?

That’s not quite important, but you may call me, Mr. Thorne

The reason you’re currently here, in this heavily armored transport shuttle driving you hundreds of miles away from civilization towards an unknown destination is because I need your abilities to stop something…

something that could end the universe.

Since you’re all essentially going to find things out yourself if I don’t stop being so vague, allow me to brief you on your mission.

Agents, you are all being dispatched to site: S-4ND41 to contain an anomaly simply codenamed the “smugopalypse bringer”, they are an extremely dangerous threat that has compromised the facility, which in of itself is known to host various unexplained anomalies deemed too dangerous for society to be aware of, stuff such as extradimensional materials, alien technology, non-euclidean furniture, a seemingly sentient mass of pure- RADIO STATIC -sploding vegetables, whatever you can think of, we probably have it down there safe and secure.

Now, it seems as if you’re approaching the gates, don’t mind the ominous looking soldiers in the full black gear and the glowing red eyes, they work for me.


I’ll continue my debriefing once you all reach the entrance lobby to the facility, see you then.


IE-097 "The Donor's Last Stand"



Summary: IE-097, dubbed, “the donor’s last stand”, appears to be an old, decrepit flintlock that was created during the 1700s by an unspecified and currently unknown European weapons manufacturing company. DNA scans have revealed this weapon seems to have been in circulation across numerous people, including native Americans, the British, colonists of Jamestown, so on, so forth, until it eventually travelled across the world into the hands of the facility.

IE-097’s primary source of interest comes from the fact that it seems to have a memetic effect on the user to think that they have only 1 bullet, causing them often to be extra careful with their shots. However, when they fire, they will suddenly realize they have another bullet in the chamber, this continues onwards until the subject realizes that IE-097 practically has infinite ammo.

This infinite ammo, however, comes at a cost.

Every single bullet that through unknown means materializes within the chamber of IE-097 appears to be created using a moderately small amount of blood. often, the user notices a rather brief but sharp pain from pulling the trigger of IE-097 every shot, the pain getting worse the more frequent the usage is. This, while normally non fatal, can become an issue if ignored and disregarded. The user does not seem to be alarmed by this however, and will continue to use the weapon even if they are in a very poor condition, it is then recommended that an outside observer notifies or confiscates the weapon from the original user if necessary.

IH-483 "Wackybars"



-IH-483, also known as “wackybars” according to their packaging, seem to advertise themselves as “a delicious alternative to the foods you already eat”, however, absolutely zero nutritional benefit outside of protein and trace amounts of various metals have been deemed from these bars.

upon analysis of the actual bars contents, the results yielded are anything from pleasant, DNA scans reveal every bar is seemingly made from the flesh of humans, kumuians, maskjaws, and an unidentified species of urchin. the distribution of these ingredients varies between bar, as stated by the “5 gooberlicious flavors” that the box advertises.

these bars first started appearing in small convenience stores all across the state, and the first recorded instance of the bars was found in [REDACTED]. customers were complaining about a strange brand of candy that caused immense paranoia and feelings of being watched and talked to, thus, the foundation was notified and all instances of wackybars were confiscated and contained. no amnesiacs or memory wipes were necessary as those who continued to spread the news about the bar would be deemed as attention seekers, for a cover up story was quickly released.

upon consumption, wackybars seem to induce a psychoactive drug effect onto the consumer that causes them to begin seeing and hearing extremely hyperactive and almost angry voices, the consumer after around an hour of digestion will then enter a state of incredible distraught, believing something is trying to claw its way underneath them to [REDACTED] their [REDACTED]. strangely, during this paranoia, all electrical devices near the consumer begin to malfunction and often begin emitting abnormal amounts of alpha radiation. After around 2 hours of initial consumption, the consumer suddenly feels a sense of holy divinity, as they believe they can be capable of doing almost impossible feats. the effects of these bars wear off after around 4 hours, where the user becomes heavily nauseous, and vomits violently before finally being freed from the unusual effects of the bar.

IH-433 "Hydrovamp"



IH-433, or more simply known as the hydrovamp, is a scarlet red dagger forged through currently unknown means using an unidentifiable, deep red alloy that possesses abnormal strength compared to other conventional metals like steel or bronze. The dagger is to be stored within a vacuum sealed container and kept away from sources of water or moisture at all times.

IH-433 was recovered in an unspecified desert based town located in Halefaria, [REDACTED], it was after a brutal series of bloody murders and the local well’s contamination that locals began to cry for help to authorities, which were then forwarded to the foundation to investigate the anomalous activity, several operatives had pursuited a deranged, seemingly heavily religious serial killer who bore the dagger, claiming it was their destiny to “claim the liquids of the unworthy”, [REDACTED], the name of the daggerbearer, was swifty executed on sight and the weapon was sent here for research.

IH-433’s anomalous effects will begin to emerge once in contact with either a sentient organism or with a body of water. The dagger seems to corrupt the fluid and transforms it into a dark red vicious ooze reminiscent to that of blood, however samples of this fluid have found that the fluid is not blood at all, but more akin to that of a liquid form of the alloy that the dagger itself is forged from. When a living subject holds the dagger, they gain an incredible desire to consume liquid, primarily water, and when enough water has been consumed, the user will seemingly be able to generate a liquid version of the knive’s alloy from their own body, utilizing it as a weapon and as a way to create more daggers temporarily. However, if the subject does not drink the required water, they will begin so suffer a multitude of effects and possibly collapse from exhaustion. Autopsies of corpses of those who’ve handled the hydrovamp and died from dehydration reveal that the insides of said corpses were almost entirely converted into the liquid alloy.

OE-476 "Snow White's Witch"



OE-476, also dubbed as “snow white’s witch”, is a tree that’s currently being held within the greenhouse sector of the facility. The produce that is contained within this room has been dubbed as “OE-476-2”, as it is an offshoot anomaly.

From now onwards, this document shall be referring to the anomalous properties of OE-476-2, as OE-476 has its own separate document.

The first known wave of OE-476-2 instances arised during the last spring of [REDACTED], where dozens of instances of OE-476-2 grew from OE-476’s many sprawling branches. Upon collection, class-E prisoners noticed that previous wounds on their hands were mysteriously removed, as if they had been healed. They also noticed a surge in vitality a few moments afterward, as if they were well rested from an 8 hour sleep.

Due to these discoveries, OE-476-2 produce were brought to the biological research and containment research floors for further analysis. studies strangely show that these fruits are almost entirely genetically identical to regular green sour apples, but trace amounts of prismatic energy can be found flowing within them, it’s believed this energy is what’s granting all OE-476-2 instances their powers.

Usually, the more vibrant an instance of OE-476-2 is, the more prisma is contained within the fruiting body.

Upon consumption of OE-476-2 while being severely injured, subjects will suddenly experience a massive jumpstart in energy as their wounds will suddenly rapidly heal, any missing limbs will regrow at an alarming rate, and diseases previously thought incurable will miraculously dissappear within seconds of consumption. The user then generally returns to normal with no further side effects.

However, consuming OE-476-2 while already healthy proves to be rather detrimental, as many subjects report malignant and bizarre growths such as non-functional extra limbs appearing as well as nausea and extreme dysentery. Due to this, OE-476-2 is not to be used as a food-source, but much rather as an emergency relief in times of desperate need.


Forum Curses 7: SMUG SMUG SMUG
If you want to know, this canonically fits in to the main story. It actually occurs after Ladnas gets accidentally hit by Archen’s curse.

Anyway I am Rnad Ness, Shatter Curse user. I wield a really heavy calculator and a flintlock from the 1700s, loaded with a single silver bullet (I lost the rest)

Before you say only one weapon allowed, can I point out that I have a singular weapon, along with a mathematical instrument.

The calculator is a weapon, I can drop it on peoples toes and immobilise them easily. The flintlock however is an instrument. In a dire time of need, I can shoot it into the air. If the bullet falls back down, I can confirm that gravity still exists.

Do I need to use my own character or can I make a new one just for this

Actually I’ll just bring in Apolo because I want to save my other characters and I feel like it’d just make more sense given the context of this one

Apolo Caelum, Singularity Curse, used to have a rubber masking taped to a set square but now uses a metre ruler



It’s on the wiki on the Games page now lmao

wait a second, where did this guy obtain IE-097?

nevermind that, consider yourself lucky you came pre-prepared with a site anomaly

whats that



Summary: IE-097, dubbed, “the donor’s last stand”, appears to be an old, decrepit flintlock that was created during the 1700s by an unspecified and currently unknown European weapons manufacturing company. DNA scans have revealed this weapon seems to have been in circulation across numerous people, including native Americans, the British, colonists of Jamestown, so on, so forth, until it eventually travelled across the world into the hands of the facility.

IE-097’s primary source of interest comes from the fact that it seems to have a memetic effect on the user to think that they have only 1 bullet, causing them often to be extra careful with their shots. However, when they fire, they will suddenly realize they have another bullet in the chamber, this continues onwards until the subject realizes that IE-097 practically has infinite ammo.

This infinite ammo, however, comes at a cost.

Every single bullet that through unknown means materializes within the chamber of IE-097 appears to be created using a moderately small amount of blood. often, the user notices a rather brief but sharp pain from pulling the trigger of IE-097 every shot, the pain getting worse the more frequent the usage is. This, while normally non fatal, can become an issue if ignored and disregarded. The user does not seem to be alarmed by this however, and will continue to use the weapon even if they are in a very poor condition, it is then recommended that an outside observer notifies or confiscates the weapon from the original user if necessary.

I have absolutely zero idea how it landed in your hands as this thing should currently be stored in the B-wing inanimate object containment rooms, but I’ll just assume it was a warp anomaly caused possibly by the smugopalypse bringer.

Spoiler alert anyone…
what was I talking abouta gain?
Oh the gun, yeah I picked it up at tesco.

classic IE-097, the last guard who owned it thought they got the damn thing from a Sprouts of all places… Sprouts doesn’t even distribute firearms

would this mean choosing a different character kinda breaks this lore

it can always be chalked off as you playing as a new student or a student during the glitch incident that wasn’t brought up

would a student that had left before the taitc fight to join the army work? a soldier just seems like it’d fit in this situation

No soldier I’m aware of possesses any form of curse that’s capable of significantly harming SC-404 without expending too many resources, though a student who joined the army is fine.

then i’ll a play a character who instead of participating in the fight against taitc had left to join the army before it happened, believing their power to be useful there

egas aegis, a soldier who specialises in defence with the protection curse, their weapon is a standard issue rifle and some grenades

the protection curse is an emerald green colour btw

protection curse eh? interesting.

care to elaborate?