Forum Curses: The Second Act

I’ll post who’s been teleported in a bit

ok so we just wait

Bide our time lads

Other than who is teleported, what else will we get to know

P. S. Thank you Randomness for f*cking up my whole gameplan

Rebecca and Jordan fell down a small cliff, suddenly thrown into this new environment. Above them, stood a blindfolded figure laden with belts, vials and various instruments. Around its dull face wrapped the black band, concealing the depths of its eyes.

— Bossfight - 1/5 —

The Blind

Alchemist of the Horse’s Mind

The Alchemist: Abilities

  • Blind
    The Alchemist is immune to attacks intended to blind.
  • Blade
    The Alchemist carries a heavy, single edged blade coated with poison. It has the ability to hit Curse Users
  • Essence of a God
    The Horse is immune to people stepping out of their limits.
  • Resistance
    The Alchemist is resistant to Explosive attacks.
  • Potions
    The Alchemist carries a variety of potions, including Slowness, Harming, Ironskin and Poison.

Steven blinked, he was suddenly much further away than he previously expected. Northwards, somewhere in the highlands of Scotland. Snow was thick here in the winter weather. A large thing towered above him, creating a sphere of unbearable cold. He tried to summon the blue flames. Nothing.

— Bossfight - 2/5 —

The Cold

Scourge of the Horse’s Mind

The Cold: Abilities

  • Incorporeal
    The Cold cannot be injured by physical attacks.
  • Freezing
    The Cold is extremely cold. It will weaken heat-based attacks around it.
  • Magic
    The Cold has high levels of control over all cold types of magic.
  • Essence of a God
    The Horse is immune to people stepping out of their limits.

IT stood silently. Max watched on.
NOTHING seemed to emanate from IT.

— Bossfight - 3/5 —

The One Who Lies

Falsehood of the Horse’s Mind

The One: Abilities

  • Falsehood
    The One can turn any Truth into a False.
  • Resistance
    The One is resistant to Physical attacks.
  • Blade
    The One carries a large greatsword. It has the ability to hit Curse Users.
  • Encumbered
    The One moves slowly, but will never miss its stride.
  • Menace
    “IT’s just standing there. Menacingly”
    The Horse naturally drains the Willpower of those around it.
  • Essence of a God
    The Horse is immune to people stepping out of their limits.

This one is stepping out of it’s limits. One cannot simply change the nature of truth in this world.
The Horse is immune to people stepping out of their limits.
This is not the Horse. It is not immune to stepping out of limits, nor if it is, so too is it’s limits being overstepped with the lies it creates.

Very well, it is time to stand Menacingly as well, to counterpose against it’s Menace

I have a very clear idea how to win this fight, but it’s gonna take some drastic thinking

helping steven would be pretty cool actually since me and him are both fire and it would be like some anime scene or something

the scene of both you and another fire type of curse guy being frozen to death




So what we doing like actually


For my next move, I begin shining a blinding light and running, in a random direction.

I have a very definite goal in mind, and that’s not quite to escape.

5 People are getting hard-countered

Oh shoot we are learning who teleported

it was inactive like 5 minutes ago

Ah ok