Forum Curses: The Second Act

Lucky on his redemption arc?

For my next move, I begin to pelt it’s hand holding the greatsword with rocks, as that is the only tool they have that can stop me

Well this is certainly an escalation

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I can solo theese fakes

roll for it

we love gambling

Lucia and Sage woke up, face down in the ground. They were on a large stretch of flat, sandy, brackish and muddy ground. It stretched on for multiple miles in all directions.

Various items were scattered about, pencils, an umbrella, a notebook, etc. The large, grey silhouette stood above them. Lucia grabbed for the umbrella, but it broke in two. Sage tried to pick up the pencils, but they turned a dull colour, devoid of ###########. The silhouette picked up the notebook and ripped it in two.

— Bossfight - 4/5 —

The Dull

Cancer of the Horse’s Mind

The Dull: Abilities

  • Dull
    The Dull is Dull. Boringly Dull. Super Dull. Very Dull. Get the idea yet?
  • Draining Force
    Your willpower will rapidly drain from being near the Dull.
  • No ########### left.
    Any ########### based abilities will be weakened against the Dull
  • Dull
    The Dull can kill you from being Dull.
  • Resistance
    The Dull is resistant to Lightweight attacks.
  • Essence of a God
    The Horse is immune to people stepping out of their limits.

it hits, slightly annoys him, his grip is pretty much the same, it’ll take more rocks

but that’s where my next move comes in

The guy just makes your light dark

I continue to do this. Until the thing itself tries anything other than slowly walking at me (which it can’t lmao, unless it like makes his passive a lie), I’ll keep weakening his grip with rocks.

we need someone even more dull to take this guy on
any suggestions?

John Doe

I’ll keep rolling every few minutes for the rock thing, something like an 19-20 roll should work

it’s up to you randomness to do something (jroch shoe is a joke man, the copperman already dealt with him)

john education


Myles, Apolo, Ladnas.
A giant rock flew at the trio.
Oh dear

The Antigravity

Fortress of the Horse’s Mind

The Antigravity: Abilities

  • Screw you, logic
    Forget logic here.
  • Antigravity
    Hi there, this thing can just disable gravity if it wants. Yeah
  • RPG
    It has an RPG enchanted with Infinty from minecraft.
  • Resistance
    The Antigravity is resistant to Heat based attacks.
  • Piercing
    It has a big sword which can pierce through all armour but only when stabbing.
  • Essence of a God
    The Horse is immune to people stepping out of their limits.

Singularity barrage, aiming to hit it rather than pull it apart

Oh nah a god got theme before me

womp womp innit

The hand is getting tired from all the rocks thrown at it. Soon enough, it’ll drop it


Are these entities operating out of the horse’s mind or are they separate beings
this is important because well. We’ll see.

Max and his secret technique “Pebble Blast”