Forum Curses: The Second Act

I thought it was sage “sage” sage, sage S. sage sage sage sage of sages sage sage.

I’ll add glitching to the Trello later.
Where banana


Join forum curses I need filler characters to kill off

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@GlitchingEclipse One profile
Calypso Eclypsione on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello

New topic:

Duved Manus
Overinsistent pop-up [Feedback-And-Help]

I think just about everybody has noticed the pop-up asking you to join the theater club. And while I understand that a stageplay needs as many hands as it can get, I feel that a quadruple notification makes for a bad first impression and might turn newcomers away from using the forums. Thoughts?


First time on here in more than a year and this is pretty cool so I’ll join in

Name - Myles Saturn
Age - 16.41643…
Favorite Subject - Physics
Theoretical Magic Ability - Star Magic
Clubs - Engineering Club

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Perhaps you thought you were free but you unfortunately get a popup.

Hey there! Did you know that there’s a performance being ran by the Theatre Club soon? We recommend for you to join and participate, and we’re sure that you’ll have fun!!!

[Yes] [No]


@Figure Uno Profile
Myles Saturn on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello
Great at language I am

Anyway if you want to fill out the About Me just say

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After I check in a few things with the Engineering Club I’ll write it.

What clubs are there

There is theatre, (you’re forced to join this one) writing, art, and science technology

There’s also magic theory, computing, and engineering

Name: Apolo Caelum
Age: 16
Favourite subject: maths
Theoretical magic ability: singularity magic
Clubs: science-technology club, engineering club, magic theory club

Magic theory is not a closed club like the rest of them, anyone can participate (I don’t want to have to add more labels and stuff to my spreadsheet you see)

Annoying popup time?
Hey there! Did you know that there’s a performance being ran by the Theatre Club soon? We recommend for you to join and participate, and we’re sure that you’ll have fun!!!

[Yes] [No]

Yes fine

Also I’ll fill the about me by saying: I exist and I’m smart I think