Forum Curses: The Second Act

This wasn’t better fire would be an insane epithet so i rerolled again and got

Still might be a bit too overpowered

Do it

as long as you can do Jane lines fr

Not today I’m working
Imagine a very stressed girl who is also completely oblivious to the magic powers everyone has

i melt the icecaps

you need to do better than that man, you have a pretty good epithet! You can try to use it to like justify doing crazy insane shit like throw a ball that ricochets 7 times then knocks off some guys hat by justifying it with some random reasoning dude.

everyone gangsta until someone rolls “omnipotent” as their epithet

What if I don’t want to do better and I just want to figure out what my word even does

i just realize that epithet has similiar bullshittery potential to truth

truth literally is an epithet

yes it’s almost like I have an epithet

In a way, the word “justify” is also kinda BS

I can justify why I should just automatically win a fight or something without much reasoning besides “because I said so”

justify anything with the rule of cool

it’d probably be hit with a limitation like “your justification has to make some amount of sense”

you see unlike some people with their curses here epithets have actual attempts at balance with the way that stronger abilities take more hp to use (all epithet skills take hp to use) and that you actually have to be strong enough to use bullshit overpowered skills. Like, there’s someone that can manipulate time, but they started off with being able to only stop their bullets from moving until they choose to fire them all

I justify that I have disarmed warmwater’s point with this one because it sounds funnier

wait what if there was a version where you could dual wield epithets (have 2 at the same time)

wait can it carry more than 1 epithet at the same time? also i meant EVERYONE has dual wielding

that would be an interesting version

that’s just the gemini/arsene amulet

so like

how fucked is the planet if my words are


yeah ok Bliss Ocean did nothing wrong

lord we’re fucked