Forum Curses: The Second Act

I would assume a wheel that spins would be better

nah, way too boring. Completely random words are what leads to fun

I got cultural for a random word, I’m actually really interested on how that could work out

this would probably be an interesting power, though i’m not sure what i could do with it

I smell an epithet powers battle~

the next fight like this should be a bullshittery fight

chat which one should i pick (word bomb’s dictionary)

sceptre sounds cool

i feel like that has the most bullshittery potential, also yes there’s 286k words available in word bomb

sceptre would probably give you a lot of things with various magic wands or something

yeah thats why i say it has so much bullshittery potential and magic could be anything

also i remember using that same word generator before for an epithet and i forgot what word i got but i know it’s related to leukemia, so blood based abilities for me if it was that one

do you wanna host a forum epithets battle

I’d rather not host one but it would be cool to watch

Maybe we shouldn’t host a forum epithets battle

CoD lobby curse

Maybe we should host a forum epithet battle

Lee Vs Sage ends later. Busy today.

Welp I guess I’m Phoenix Wright


I should do a new Calypso conversation between her and either Jane or some other theater member