Forum Curses: The Second Act

Rehearsal 3

From an NPCs perspective.

Theodore sat impatient. His lines were vaguely in his mind, and they were planning on going over his scenes later today.

That wasn’t what he was waiting for.

“Jane, Juniper, Jack, Rael and Zoe, can you all head down to the Art department and get some of the props. There’s quite a few down there.” Lilly smiled, ignoring their faces of complaint.

“Why me! Don’t you need me for this scene.” Jane protested.
“Oh well, I thought you’d like to see the props… that’s all.”

After a bit more back and forth argument about this, Lilly managed to convince them to leave the room. Rebecca stood up from the corner where she sat.

“Unless you all missed the messages in the groupchat on the forums, you know why I’m speaking right now. Something is up. People are struggling to sleep. The cubes, the tournament. We’re missing something. I heard from Jordan that he was approached by somebody offering a leaflet last night, it appeared to be some sort of cult. Mysterious things are happening in school, fish are dying, damage is being done backstage. I need two things from you, number one would be any additional clues you have to the source of all our trouble. Number two is a promise that we’ll be able to aid one another if anything happens.”

Theodore slowly raised his hand.
“I know one thing. The damage we’re finding wasn’t caused by a person.”

Everybody looked inquisitively at him.

“But by a horse.”

What the HELL

HONSE! (complete sentence)

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this is just a running gag that we went with btw in case anyone believes the goldfish killing is actually a major event

we’ll still pretend it is though

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This user is a known goldfish murderer. If he says anything to try and deny or lessen the murder of goldfish please report him to the Guapo Organisation Likening Definite Fish Immortalisation and Safety Harbouring.

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The G. O. L. D. F. I. S. H. Seriously?

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Apolo would’ve predicted a stronger reaction to the accidental black hole he’d created onstage - it was a freaking black hole for Randomness’ sake - but evidently it wasn’t a big deal.
He was alone at the moment, he’d shown up before anyone else. Apolo had always been an early riser, but today especially. He had a plan.
“Let’s see how they react to this,” he said to himself.
He started by creating a singularity to passively clean the ink spill that he had a gut feeling had something to do with Calypso, who he’d always seen as a mysterious sort. While that just did its thing, he started putting up the banners he’d made - dark purple ones with golden text saying “2034 MACBETH REHEARSALS”.
Perfect, he thought, shutting down the singularity.
Next, he preset the cellophane on the lights because he didn’t particularly want to have to do it as much later. Seemed fair enough, right?
Lastly, he placed the cast list he’d typed up and printed from 11pm-12am last night next to the theatre door. That would be helpful.
His work was done.

How do I actually respond to it?


Mate I saw you use my stolen gun and kill goldfish in attempt to break laptop

Me watching Lucky get into a scrap with everyone over a goldfish:


He’s still chill with me, we’re tight like that

That screams “I was Lucky’s accomplice” ngl

It’s quiet. Deafeningly so. Well not really, one can still hear the sounds of rehearsal even all the way back here, I just wanted to sound dramatic. I see a door in front of me, a reminder of better, wait no, worse, well not really I guess, times. ‘Why am I here again? Why am I sneaking behind the theatre?’ It takes a minute for me to remember, yet when I do, I cannot understand why I am doing such a thing. Lily said that she found something here, something I need to get rid of, yet I do not know why I need to get rid of such a thing. With my evidence hiding shovel in my left hand, I try to open the door.

The doorframe creaks and cracks.

I drink to forget.

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Underage drinking? On this lego game forum? Inexcusable.

No fucking way my Goldfish incident is cannon

This is peak

I got rid of the puzzles for now

Public Event: ToAH

Another Challenger Approaches

“Before the Semifinals begin, there will be a third Challenger fight for the remaining four Trial participants. If nobody volunteers, it will be a random decision. Former Challenger Volunteers can not volunteer this time, but can still be chosen by random”
– Levi Winters

Once again the challenger has

  • Wooden Sword
  • Shield
  • Amulet containing one blast of Kulvir’s Flame
  • Battle theme
  • A Curse

The winner will gain a random DEF advantage. If the volunteer loses they will gain a random SPD disadvantage.