Forum Curses: The Second Act

Anyway I’ll see what I can do tomorrow go write something

Rehearsal 4: Lucky Nolastname

I carefully attempt to open the door to the backstage. The door creaks and I quickly look around the door and its doorframe, checking for cracks, but when I don’t find any, I let go a sigh of relief. In an instant, I enter the backstage and lock the door. It takes a moment for me to remember why I went here, but once I do I realize that I did not bring anything into the room with me. As I attempt to open the door out of the backstage I realize my mistake.

The door locks from the outside.


I start investigating the backroom without a flashlight or any tools whatsoever, and it takes a good 15 minutes for me to find the lightswitch.

I hear the door creak, and look over. I see lucky enter the backstage, and sprint over to the door.

Rather than do something like unlock the door, I decide to instead yell advice at lucky on how to get out. Whenever I feel like it

The advice is like “Have you tried turning it on and off again?” and “Try it again!” and will not help in the slightest

“Have you considered carrying a phone around? I know for a fact you haven’t bothered to charge it but it could definitely help!”

Lucky will now begin to carry a phone with no batteries (literally).

You truly give out the best of advice.

“Secondly, have you tried doing things with other people? It might work out in your favour!”

I proceed to then leave and continue to ignore the suspiciously horse-shaped hole in the wall


“What? Can you say that again?”

“Can you repeat that?”

“I can’t hear you!”

“Please repeat what you said!”

“Sorry, but I can’t seem to hear you at all!”


This goes on for 10 minutes.

Eventually, Calypso walks into the part of the theatre room where both Lucky and Max were before, noticing the horse-shaped hole in the wall, sighing.

“Alright, this is getting ridiculous. How has nobody pointed this out yet? I mean, this is more obvious than my—… the large ink stain on the floor completely unrelated to me.”

man forums always be going quiet

A couple drops of water fall steadily from the ceiling next to Calypso, gradually increasing in volume till practically a buckets worth falls down, and at this point all the water seems to recede to one spot on the floor and spike upwards, swirling around in one spot until Ray Lumin appears. Oh, also, the floor there is slightly stained now.

“Well, the obvious-ness is what makes us not trust it! Surely it’s a red herring by whoever’s doing all this?”

He laughs slightly, and then continues: “I’m all seriousness though, how have the janitors not done anything about this yet? And why are horses so attracted to our school? Is there some guy out there with a horse curse screwing with us?”

Theodore waltzed down across the stage, hearing Ray’s exclamation. “Perhaps there’s only one horse. Perhaps it’s really good at hiding. What if the horse had a Curse?”

Lilly laughed at the concept “A horse with a Curse? What if the horse made the Curses? Have you considered that.”

Jane looked up from whatever she was doing, “the hell are you on about? Can you hurry up fixing Lucky’s mess?”

Lucky sneezes.

Moments before disaster

A light falls from the ceiling and almost crushes you.

Apolo walks over to the backdoor where Calypso is. “Calypso, stand back,” he says.

(actual roll I just got)

The light thankfully misses lucky, and as a result, bounces around a bit, knocking over several props, but in such a way that it straight up spells out a hint towards the horse through literal sheer chance. Powerful! Lucky gets a +1 to Proficiency

Ladnas is… probably on his phone browsing an art forum

Oh I thought Calypso was going to be soaked from a bucket worth of water falling on her but aight

I like how the dice just agrees that yeah Lucky is in danger now luck is required. Somehow the falling light spells the words “Check the big cupboard at the back.” Into the wall. Strange.