Forum Curses: The Second Act

I mean honestly if this isn’t peak human ingenuity then idk what is bro

fine i’ll offer the horse a banana and a little bit of my soul on the side for it to politely leave

No banana

you need to buy me more mexican food…

we’re gonna recreate 1934…

I use stolen tazer from casino

The horse is like a couple kilometres away already

Lucky has a feeling that they left something behind at the casino but cannot figure out what it was.

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The first strategical fight, and it’s against a magic fucking horse


We need to unleash 0.000000005% of our true power…

I can smell it from all the way here and I’m not even near the school! Stop farting! Please, it’s not even doing anything!

Guys just fly after it or something don’t get shot down by the AA Guapo set up to stop those darn Americans


Okay explosive catapult that’s fine

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“Just dodge”

Me and @realisticbanana combine our curses and create an arcane unison elemental to chase down the horse

the energy blast travels at a cool 500mph

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is this how you canonically look

is this forum curses canon

Yes it’s 100% canon

Cononicly I am gambler addict, alcocholic, thief and terrorist

Okay nice glad you picked a reasonable speed