Forum Curses: The Second Act

okay he’s not online so I’m gonna do it myself

roll a ability check to see if you don’t fucking die when you use the power line lol

this is just pesudo-dnd now

(I don’t fucking die :D)


Hold on didnt I touch the horse before?

I suppose I try to get in front of or next to it, and reflect any attacks that miss back towards the horse.

No you’ve only just seen it

You never said you did, so I don’t believe so

How do you catch up

Oh well. Catapult spam then?

I try to lock onto the horse with my laser gauntlet so I can start unleashing my beam onto it.

I also pose for the camera because oh my god this is going to look so good on my portfolio

wait shouldn’t we have rolled for initiative or something

Perhaps but horse is running so unless we die its fine

your turn is over already… let some other nerds do shit man… I’m not even going to canonically get here on time…

No screw that this isn’t dnd it’s …


cursefinder, a objectively worse spinoff of pathfinder

I’m presumably starting at my house. Could it conviniently happen to be in the direction the horse is going?

2 minutes later I drained enough power to continue onward, but there’s 3 issues:

  • My body started to shake from all the energy the curse power is storing, which could have side effects if I don’t get rid of it in time. Especially considering I already took some damage from my previous fall
  • The horse had 2 minutes to get away from my location
  • The only clue I have is what direction it went in

@Randomness give me a clue on what to do next

Peter, the horse is here