Forum Curses: The Second Act

Oh it hasn’t started yet? When does it start then

It should be starting on the 26th but entering characters will still be open until the 28th

Hyped to the sky. Can’t wait to play

For the time being though you can make/reply to topics posted on the trello. (You can only make one topic per day.)

Hi, so you’re a normal person in an alternate universe living in a country called North Guapo, which is split up into 11 rivalling districts. One such district is called the Nyx district, where in which The Eleventh, it’s capital city has a school called Odysseus Academy in which you are a student. A few weeks before the game, there was a week of disaster after disaster, in which two fires started and three students were murdered, the killer still unfound. This led to a delay in the launch of the Student Forums for the school.

Here you are now, you just made a forum account. You can add to the forum with Topics, Replies and Private Messages which can be seen here.

From the 26th, I will start occasionally introducing Events, some are public and some are privately DMed to specific people, and basically they will add to this world in some way and likely give you a specific task to complete.
Basic plot points will be revealed through this event, and it’s up to everyone else to basically create the rest of the story.

Submissions end late on the 28th, but you can make topics/replies/private messages until then/

are there any rules on making multiple characters or are we only allowed 1?

Only one. No specific reason I just think it would be too much. However you know what we do need.

You guys really want realistic don’t you?

he has no reason not to
he’s just too lazy to fill out the character info

I dunno why randomness became so obsessed lol

I need characters to kill off

wait are you killing player characters!?

I gotta be careful :grimacing:

no just banana if he doesn’t sign up quick enough
or am I lying
who knows

Randomness Calypso is in the magic theory club as well

They don’t have a specific label, anyone can participate in it.

Idk how



I might have to retcon the neutron star curse because @realisticbanana said he’d be my spirit guardian or sentient ability if he were to play in the game

(or I could make a separate character for later idk)

Dubious’ Bizarre Adventure: Banana Is Unbreakable

Here’s the example topic making thing