Forum Curses: The Second Act

This could help the soapy water plan. Taze the water, so that the horse gets electrocuted as well as slips just to make sure

I propose to change the name to spicy water plan

shocky owie soap maze :grinning:

Just in-case the nuclear spaghetti and chains weren’t enough to stop it

Im very certain huge explosions are allowes

if I had a good initial roll, I fully believe the soapy water alone would have worked, but this all should help

the prediction means that the portals can be ignored because prediction accounts for that

I do not think you understand the consequences of what I am about to do

Do it.

the chains come in last, but I dunno where @MrYes is so in the meantime it’s just me and @Midnight trying to contain it within what I assume to be a giant, electrically charged box made from neutron plasma

I just assumed since we were both apart of the plan that we were just heading to the same place

As you chase after the horse or do whatever you’re doing, a vehicle in the convoy begins to draw near.

You see as the door to the slide of the vehicle slides open, revealing Lucky.

Roll a dex (d20) saving throw with disadvantage twice, as I shoot a 12 gauge shotgun at you twice.

the only problem I have with this plan is

how do we know it’s going to pass by this field?

alright, I guess you’re here too

you can use your chains to maybe try and chain down the horse or make it trip up, as well as conduct midnight’s energy

something something Truth prediction

In retrospect, we should’ve confirmed that it was this field specifically

@Randomness is there any trick we could pull off to possibly try to lead the horse into our direction or is it heading for a specific target

Im about to turn this boss fight into a PVP match

I’m going to make my way to Ladnas/The Field/The Labyrinth, gtg so anyone who’s near me can use my abilities to assist whatever they’re doing

damn, if only I was there to try out some new tricks I’ve thought of.

I think randomness confirmed it was heading towards our field since it doesn’t seem to be trying to head towards anything