Forum Curses: The Second Act

Oh yeah can I just mention that I’ll be busy basically all of tomorrow so the first third of this fight will last quite a while and I’ll not always be available to reply. Just keep thinking of ideas to stop the cultists (and lucky) and find the horse. It’s still running west but will turn south soon. Rebecca, Steven and Jordan are providing air support. Everyone else is scattered across Nyx in the sky or on land, some near the horse and attacking or fighting cultists. The Horse continues to gallop. Also remember it has portals.

They’re lucky enough to occasionally get a hit on elemental curse users who are too slow.


You’re telling me the horse and its colt is only 1/3rd of this encounter?

who does this horse think it is, this nerd?

I forgot most of the lucky cultist lore what was it again

Yeah lol I wasn’t expecting everyone to do a 200 messages in two hours thing. This is just the bit I’m doing before I get home to my laptop and document with the districts and stuff.

as one last side note the horse theme should have really been

They invited me once and I joined because I liked horses


If we’re putting tracks for battles I wanna do one with a neon white song for a fight

Not sure which one would work for this though

You don’t understand, we have to stop this horse at all costs

we got a boss battle…
oh my days

oi oi oi the maze plan is my idea :triumph:

I still think we just need some soap

like, we have several liquid curse users

we should find it first before we do anything then

though ideally lead it to the burned field

You never know, this horse might take a bit more than some luck to be put down

I just realized the horse should be limping since me and banana’s hollow skibidi attack crippled it

which makes it a bit easier to catch

Healing magic lol

Does anyone have any questions before I go to sleep

How close is the convoy to the horse?