Forum Curses: The Second Act

technically, we all saw it in our dreams, just most people didn’t remember when they woke up

ever noticed how the staff were a little bit more hazy than usual recently? maybe you felt a bit less rested than usual too

Well I vaguely remember seeing some out of place stuff in my dreams, but I just chalked that up to mind nonsense

I played poker with the night demon once. He was a pretty cool guy.

that’s what a lot of people said

but Ladnas remembered.

And if there’s one more thing to try

I’m gonna go to bed.

oh shit fr?

did you win?



let me ask you a question though

did you perhaps notice… a crop sickle in your dreams?

that’s one detail everyone’s dreams seemed to share

sometimes it was also a khopesh.

Nuclear spaghetti man converses with 15-year old horse coltist about dreams

idk what you lot are on about with this demon I’ve had perfectly normal dreams with no instances of farming tools

Perhaps the degree of weirdness is different for everyone


one more question

did you see any barns, like, farm barns

except they were painted black?

and did you immediately wake up afterwards?

Since I can’t help out much with the horse due to my lacking firepower, I go pick on the convoy instead.
Since I can apparently reflect trucks, I attempt to delay parts of the convoy that are furthest from Lucky until they’re out of his range, at which point the handful of curse users dealing with the convoy can probably make short work of them.

no, I have a healthy, stress free mind

It’s less a deal of firepower and more about limiting its movement, you could probably stun it a bit if you’re able to reflect its kinect energy.

But dealing with the horse cult is also of equal priority so just focus on that.

A 14 probably lets us whittle off a good chunk of the convoy

Yea, you probably did.

Though it seems like for some reason I guess it decided to not mess with you too much

you’re probably wondering how much I know about all this

during my time studying and staying away from the curse tournament, I’ve been looking into this phenomenon ever since I had the dream myself

mass hysteria, I initially thought, but everyone’s stories were so similar, it couldn’t be coincidence.

Is this the start of Lucky’s villain arc

I then tried intentionally sleeping to contact it, and sometimes it worked

though it never seemed very interested in me anymore, I did get to observe how it operated.

it was… interesting to say the least, almost like whatever that thing was, existed only through dreams

though every time I met it again in my slumber, it was always a bit larger than the last encounter.

Maybe it could help us somehow…

it knows how to jump from mind to mind, but I’ve never seen it do anything to someone who’s awake…

though I have a theory that somehow it must be acting like some sort of weak parasite, sucking off the magic energy from people and slowly collecting it to grow stronger, not enough to kill, but enough to make whoever is affected wake up unrested and tired.

I wonder if I can convince, it, to try and see if it can leech off of the horse

and maybe, if my theory is right, it can grow strong enough to help us somehow

I’m getting desperate here

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Bro doesnt know yet