Forum Curses: The Second Act

Well if it comes down to it, you can try pleading with your weird mind demon for power. For now let’s just stick with the current plan

Lucky just betrayed, from my understanding. Great.

Yeah he’s a bit of a wackjob, just try not to harm him until someone can convince him back to our side

Okay so no singularities thrown at Lucky tonight?

Preferably not but I don’t know what Gabriel is planning, so keep an eye on him (Assuming you’re near him)

Gabriel’s my friend but okay.

Also Collin you have ruined my fun a bit now

Guys I have an even better plan

Not happening Ladnas

Lucky is a good friend of mine so I don’t really enjoy the concept of him being torn to shreds by a mini blackhole

Mate do you by any chance have something working on great range?


You will suffocate in the insanity of crystalized shards

You know like a hunter rifle or something?

Erm nuh uh

Nah I just chuck black holes at people

this is a school

Mate I literally got shot twice with gauge 12 shotgun

So where is everyone rn

“Man why won’t this FUCKING horse die???”

The horse in question:

Me and Dubious are at the field with Sanek arriving to assist us, Midnight is pursuing the horse, Gabriel is currently dueling with the convoy somewhere