Forum Curses: The Second Act

I would also like to roll for text check

If we assume almost 3 kilometres would be roughly 2850 metres, we can calculate the speed at which the horse is travelling at, which would be 950 m/s which is almost 3x the speed of sound

Nvm you changed it to 10 seconds that still means the horse is incredibly fast: 285 m/s

No longer supersonic, but it is faster than twice the speed of most cars on highways and even faster than some guns (might wanna keep the latter in mind)

I don’t think that’s very realistic, especially considering we are supposed to catch up to that thing somehow

If we plan to shoot it, we need a high velocity modern rifle

I think realism went out the window once the heavily equipped horse cult decided to show up

There’s not really a point for that since if one person is aware they’ll just tell the rest

Sir you can all shoot lasers and are chasing a magic horse

I feel like I may wake up at any moment after an LSD oversdose

If you’re lucky, you might not even wake up at all!

Perhaps this entire series is just one really bad trip

Actually true

You heard that right guys, Lucky isn’t going to wake up

the cultist with a pistol that thought he had what it took to kill me VS the reality bending pressure of a neutron star (the gun has already melted)

And that’s why they’re going after the few people they have a slight chance against

Roll for it at disadvantage

Matey I don’t need to roll I can turn my body into plasma

lil’ Jeremy thought he was gon get the promotion :sob: it’s over for blud

Does anyone mind if Apolo shows up to the Convoy and starts “accidentally” destroying the world in a limited radius around the Convoy

You all have until XX:10 to state any concerns

Are you like just making up what your curse can do on the spot since you never actually specified what it could do

Well you could but you might have a hidden heart condition which may just start acting up 2 minutes before you do such a thing

Apolo has no heart conditions