Forum Curses: The Second Act

  • Character Name: Lucky no-last-name
  • Character Age: 17.π
  • Favourite Subject: Magic 101
  • Theoretical Magic Ability: Horrible luck but only in mundane situations like drawing cards or flipping coins. Causes those around him to be lucky. Really lucky.
  • Little ol wacky item: A “deck of many things”, whatever that means.
  • Clubs: The Magic Theory Club & The Not-A-Front-For-A-Illegal-Gambling-Ring Club.


Character name: Cynthia Celeste

Character age: 15.55555555

Favorite subjects: Art, History

Theoretical Magic Ability: Spectrum Curse Magic* (rainbow light)

Item: 'Fragment of ???'

A mysterious pink crystal shard Cynthia found a month ago; it disappeared as soon as she touched it. The shard manifests itself (like the thorn fragments from tower of god) when she’s in danger, and seems to slow time when it does.

Clubs: undecided

(I hope she doesn’t end up like Neo, dying so early on.)

As long as the ability hasn’t been taken already and isn’t potentially game breaking then you’re fine

I’m just saying, if Lucky were to hypothetically get ahold of such a ability then I know a very easy way to turn $50 to $500,000

you can only ever lose up to 100% of your money, but you can win over 10,000% of it. Do the math.

I might be losing all my savings due to my gambling addiction, but my ma didn’t raise no quitter

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that should be the reason you win all your fights

I’ll be adding all of you later, I’m quite busy today.

Wednesday 11th January 2034

Well well well… Unfortunately for you, the Not-A-Front-For-A-Illegal-Gambling-Ring Club doesn’t exist, and also

Hey there! Did you know that there’s a performance being ran by the Theatre Club soon? We recommend for you to join and participate, and we’re sure that you’ll have fun!!!

[Yes] [No]

If you’re undecided, why not join the theatre club. Did you know they’re running a performance soon? We’d love for you to join!

[Yes] [No]

it’s Wednesday my dudes

I meant to announce the date this morning but forgor

get jiggy with it

Bana Na on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello
peak character

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Walmart realisticbanana :skull:

Why not?
*presses [yes]

I hear that if you press no 4 times a spooky figure called Randomness will come into your house at 3 am and take you away, and when you wake up you’ll be in a mysterious place called the Theatre Club room :scream:

This is true

Cynthia Celeste on Odysseus Academy Forums | Trello
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