Forum Curses: The Second Act

this is gonna sound unhinged but like

that honestly doesn’t look like it would hurt all that much

maybe I’m just so desensitized to giant laser attacks and shit idfk

Does anyone know where the nearest convoy is

We’ve been trying to figure that out

Is this allowed

Roll for it

What dice

Two d20 take the lowest


anyway let’s discuss the possibilities we currently have: My power should allow me to momentarily travel faster than the horse since I have been able to catch up to it once

at the cost of potentially suffering physical damage due to the curse battery storage taking a toll on my body as well as having to recharge that power
the latter can take me multiple minutes to do, which the horse can then use to get away

I’d say the top travelling speed my curse would allow me to go at is ~1000 m/s, but I have to not only absorb a lot of power for that, but I’d also have to make sure the distance is short enough since I should only be able to keep that speed up for 30-40 seconds before running out of energy (+ somehow slowing down without suffering too much injuries)

this is the top speed, and in the lore I only reached that the second time I attempted to follow the horse after I absorbed the power from the power line.

The more realistic speed here would be 300 m/s which I should be able to keep up for roughly 116 seconds with full power.


35 avg. topspeed upkeep time X 1000 topspeed velocity = 35.000 distance with full battery power

35000 distance with battery power / 300 = 116.67… seconds of normal speed upkeep (almost 2 minutes)

In reality even that should not be possible since England is only like uh 1000 kilometres but let’s blow the proportions away since fuck realism amirite

if we want to actually utilize this power to our advantage we have to keep a few things in mind:

  • two minutes is not enough upkeep time to possibly utilize, so I will have to constantly be powered through something while using my curse power.
  • The convoy can move at ~120 km/h or ~33.33… m/s (speed of a highway car). we can easily avoid it but if we somehow get sidetracked, the convoy most likely has those high velocity modern rifles. We just can’t let it get too close to us since not even my cursepower can outrun their guns

given all that, I think I know what we should do next:
As @DubiousLittleTyp0 said before he can theoretically power my curse. But that means I have to provide enough power to keep up the speed for both me and him, which basically boils down the curses potential to be divided by 2

which means that I can only speed us up to 500 m/s at the absolute topspeed. But I doubt I’d be able to keep that up again since my character is already pretty beaten up from pulling that off previously. I’d say I could make us travel at 150 m/s, or 540 km/h.

This is still not enough to catch up to the horse and keep up with the horse, which is travelling at ~285 m/s or 1026 km/h.

To summarize, me and Ladnas could try to pull off a battery type of thing to attempt to catch up to the horse but we will need to utilize the maximum potential of both curses + figure out something to boost the speed we can already achieve with the current potential (150 m/s)

Gonna have to send roll in Discord


Alright so I got rid of a few cars, I am now at Ladnas and Ray’s location, and I cause a good few explosions and a lot of screaming, I have killed 29.2 cultists (killed 29 and then another guy lost his foot)

but this is only the math for my curse. For the speed boost I’m thinking Ladnas could try to do something with magnetic fields so we can neglect gravity force or something

If you’ve ever taken a single physics class you must know that power vectors are a thing, if we can neglect the power pushing us downward (gravity), the force pushing us forward (cursepower) should be stronger

Who else is at my location (convoy with Ladnas and Ray)

I’m assuming Jay is also here, hi Jay!

Destroys several vehicles, leading to 29 deaths, 1 injured
“Oh hai Jay! :D”

29 deaths and one amputation, get it right

Just a bit of trolling anyway innit

actually that might not even be the full potential of Ladnas’s curse, but keep in mind that to beat this thing we need to actually get close enough to it to be able to use anything against it. Dub’s previous plan was to ambush the horse, but that won’t work since the horse wouldn’t let itself get ambushed. We need to chase it.

@Randomness how much damage could this horse theoretically withstand?

I’d assume most of its power is based around the speed aspect, but in the situation that we do manage to pull off this massive bullshittery with the two curses and get to engage it in close quarters, how good would its defences be?

Why are we dealing with the horse and not the convoy when the convoy are literally tryna kill us and the horse is just running away

(3000th reply yay)