Forum Curses: The Second Act

I have no idea, I guess the horse is a higher threat than the people who can’t even harm 90% of us

What should we do
  • Worry about the horse
  • Worry about the cult
0 voters

refer to this

the goal of this “bossfight” is to catch up and deal with the horse. The convoy is basically here to make that harder and to limit our moves.

Dammit good point

Okay I’ve probably got this convoy temporarily incapacitated anyway, who wants to go after the horse now

Warmwater watching as his plan goes completely out the window after burning 4 prediction charges on it:

That was unfunny

This is correct. The horse won’t easily be stopped by brute force, you need to catch up or tire it out first

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In other words, you must hunt down the horse till the very end

Can we point out how from what I understand, most of this started because Lucky got stuck backstage and now it’s everyone else’s problem

Once again the fault lies with Lucky

“How do you even want to kill me if your curse doesnt consider me as enemy?”

Why don’t we just try to like gun it down with a magic kinetic weapon or something

I mean like wtf is the horse supposed to do against a rebar travelling towards it at speeds bordering the sound barrier

at this point we may as well literally not chase it and just wait until it stops moving

Rays giving up on chasing the horse, he wants to blot out the sun with a giant dome of Duskwater around the convoy, and then go and kill the cultists quickly one by one.
(Rolled a 16)

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Im waiting for Lucky to reply so I can actually fight him

can’t I just call over literally any elemental curse user to go help me

there’s a good few npc curse users that are just still there at the school.

I’d like to call in the copperman, glad there was no hard feelings between us when I won the first round of the tournament against him

Just shout for Edel hope he saves you from the dastardly Jroch Shoe

nah bruh who tf is Jroch Shoe

Bro thinks he’s me :sob:

Jroch Shoe is a peak opponent shut up