Forum Curses: The Second Act

are we giving up on the whole plan to catch up to the horse that I wrote today morning

With the way dubious put it, this thing is basically impossible to catch

hi I think predictions are back do you want a roll

I can’t see any way to catch up to it since it just ran in a different direction once the ambush was set up so I vote we just let it run off to the south pole

I just had some really bad luck

So do we just shift focus onto the horse cult then?

Anyways, I’m just gonna keep trying to kill convoy 5

i love the acumen

this is in disadvantage right

if so that’s a critical fail lmao

You uh still miss


I wrote a detailed essay about how we could use the lightning and neutron star curse to catch up to it fast enough to allow Ladnas to strike it

with physics calculations and all

Randomness also confirmed we just need to tire it, so the main goal is to catch up to it somehow right now, and I know exactly how

This is the same as the cult

you trip and fall

would you like a prediction on where you should use this burst to

we know the general wind direction of the horse from Rebecca’s reports right?

4 attempts later, does this pass?

yeah but it has portals

Nobody told me that

“Ray, put the acumen away Ray, you’re not gonna land any hits Ray”

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That was established the moment this whole thing begun