Forum Curses: The Second Act

Dreamkeeper has a what?

Once again, I question how he survived his battle in the ashen trials

ancient glowy spear

(may or may not fuse with an ancient fleshy axe)

I got small gift from Martyn


Avolition Info

— The remains of a legendary weapon wielded by a hero who sacrificed themself for the sake of their allies —

It has three key abilities:

  • Explosions
    The trident can explosively propel itself and create more explosions of the strange glowing energy mid air.
  • Duplication
    The trident can duplicate itself.
  • Draining Hit
    The trident will both drain the willpower of and poison enemies hit by it

Acumen info

— The remains of a legendary weapon wielded by a hero who fought to the end. —

It has two key abilities:

  • Shapeshifting
    The flesh of the weapon can morph into other forms to give itself other properties
  • Willpower Absorption
    The axe form can absorb the willpower of those around it, including the dead. This greatly increases the weapon’s strength


And this is canon? And are you sure that if we all fire our weapons at you, you won’t die instantly?

Sanek proceeding to roll a 1 with a legendary weapon

Like a few moments later to a blood loss but instantly if you go for head and curse gives you good luck

Signature move ideas:

-Ardent wave (avolition)

-Vigor quake (acumen)

In short,

willpower stab

fleshy bonk

Well that makes sense.

Speaking of which what does the map look now right now @Randomness ?

Please don’t make me do it on Mobile. I believe Ladnas, Ray and Apolo are all near Convoy 5. Max and Jroch are back at OA and the GFC trio are in the air, two of them engaged with jets.

Like I said, very hard to keep track of

Tomorrow I’ll set up a proper map as we go into Stage 2/3

Ardent wave death effect is prob like, being impaled so many times that your atoms are separated from the passion and fury of the stabbings

Vigor quake causes an overdrive in violent infective flesh that smacks and crushes and causes all victims to bloat and explode if they don’t die from the initial blunt force trauma

Can we get Lucky Nolastname vs Gabriel Bank in stage 2

I feel like this is a natural progression after I shot the guy with a shotgun

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So to recap; There is a magical horse capable of moving at incredible speed and generating portals, a cult that is trying to find and protect said horse, and now a paramilitary that is going full guns-a-blazing on the local police force