Forum Curses: The Second Act

nah its feeling kinda happy today tbh

ramdom do i roll a die to see whether i become the next boeing or not

Ray decides to let them go, watching sadly at the presumably unnecessary destruction, before melding into water and flying towards whoever’s closest and needs help.

yeah lol

Combat Ended!

4 - Gabriel Banks!
8 - Lucky Nolastname!
2 - Tied!

A fierce fight between Lucky Nolastname and Gabriel Banks has ended.

Lucky fires a another shotgun shell at Gabriel, striking him in the chest once again.
Such an action would be fatal of Gabriel if not for life curse imbued gift Martyn had given him, allowing him to seemingly ignore wounds that would be fatal to any normal individual.
Of course, Lucky was shocked when this first happened for he had cleanly blown 2 holes into the Gabriel’s chest only for the wounds to disappear, leaving mere bruises as signs of what had just happened.

Though, this was hardly as shocking as when Gabriel started moving as fast as the car.
The man, with a sudden burst of speed, caught up to the car twice, blowing up the car door next to where Lucky was seated.
Lucky in a panic, shot the boy in the head and then commanded the driver to run him over, leaving him for dead.

Rolling death saving throw with advantage… (AC 15)
In what can only be described as a burst of good luck, the life curse ambued gift heals Gabriel’s critical injures allowing him to survive getting half of his head blown off.

Gabriel Bank’s has been knocked out until further notice, or until Randomness says so.

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i’m him

Lucky boots up a GPS in order to find the god damn horse.

Bro got mad and I respect that

you make it to Steven. the jets don’t even notice you. it takes a while though.

ok i’ll just come off for like 20 mins or until i remember this topic exists

Lucky got away with Murder, truly incredible

Fella Im not dead

Yes, but you were very close to being dead

My last move was like 460 posts ago and I have no idea where I am anymore.

Healing amulet tho

I cant wait for next week where everything goes back to normal and Lucky completely ignores that fact he almost murdered Gabriel


Yeah… luckily nobody at the school has noticed that you’ve all disappeared

“Gee, school sure is quiet today. People must be really focused on their schoolwork.”

Aight Calypso should probably be doing something then

As the convoy surrounded the group with Lucky in their midst, Calypso was doing her best to ink the ground and attempting to provide support through blinding the cultists with her ink.

“Okay, I know that we haven’t been talking a lot for very good reasons, and I have no better way to say this, but does ANYONE have any idea what the hell is going on?!” Calypso exclaimed in a panic to the other three students with her.

While dodging around the attacks from the cultists, Calypso charged up a large wave of ink through the ground she’d already turfed prior in order to create a diversion and lower the visibility of the cultists.