Forum Curses: The Second Act

I have full faith in Warm winning

Alright you kill like a few cultists who jumped out their vehicles, lets say 10.
Convoy 1 now has 68 Cultists, 12 Vans, 3 Trucks, 6 Cars.

It seems to just bounce off, but at least you did something.

Roll for avoiding both the jets and the Antigravity.

I’ll take it. :+1:

yes that is perfectly normal and I refuse to say otherwise

could just say you were so unlucky that I chose you to satiate the truth urge and just happened to find out

well that makes sense i guess

Ladnas if you pass the check where are we gonna go to

Alright Lucky is actually going to make an investigation check to figure out where the nearest damn superhorse creature is.
Oh my fucking god


You’ve got it! You’ve found out where it’s going!

you start heading to the school

lucky really out here getting the 0.0025% for two natural ones

So when do I get my curse

RIGGED DICE ROLL :speaking_head: (keystrokes)

yeah you think…
you uh…


wth is happening i just ghosted fc:2a


do i run away from the horse or chase/attack it

you want to catch up to the horse, fight off a cult and save your friends from five extremely powerful enemies

right now you’re near the blue “1” dot, and the horse is the green dot. The yellow dots are where some of your friends are being attacked.

i’m thinking but i feel like my general role might be healing/treating injured friends