Forum Curses: The Second Act

All the minions seem to of been structured around everyone fighting the cultists and tracking the horse dropping what they’re doing and flying to the other side of the country

that’s because I’m reasonable with my powers

ie I don’t have what’s basically a gun on command and I die to what’s basically a gun on command

I’d win

yea pfft ngl I dunno what to do now

I guess I can go fly off to some other location and try to help another person because I’m gonna need a lot more people to fight the antigrav

if you want you can steamroll It (the thing I’m wearing down) so that I can give you idk true damage or something to beat this things ass

alright deal

I’m flying over to your location

my personal plan would have been cooler to beat IT, but given that randomness is asleep rn it can’t happen so you can do whatever to kill it, good luck getting to ireland tho

I can bend gravity to my will and accelerate to speeds exceeding a jet I think I’m fine

I’ll be there in like maybe an hour or two

kid called anti gravity

Lucky is out drinking with the lads (deranged cultists)

I’m not fighting that thing I’m running away from it

last time I checked it wasn’t a hide and seek champion

And Gabriel is still out, alive tho

Just realized, wouldn’t people not know I’m team cultist since most of them never saw me shoot and fight Gabriel?

Pretty sure Gabriel is the only person who knows I’m a cultist

Yup, he is only witness. Also bro why am I fighting dude who is active at 4 am

truth would let me know, heck I’d have known for a while that you’d be on the cultist side, but max would probably not share because it’d be funny to see people’s reactions when they do

It would be strange though if Max just used his curse on a random person who has had no signs of being in a cult to see if they were part of the church that gave out fliers to some people

there’s luck and then there’s ‘you should go buy a lottery ticket’

Hi guys the mission is to go help your friends. You aren’t supposed to be fighting the minions alone

Lucky is now backstage, waiting for his next scene on Forum Curses: The Second Act

I can win this

would it be that strange when said person keeps getting deus ex machina’d and then sued by birds

also, dumb stupid urge in my head that keeps stopping me from enjoying my weekends that forces me to find out… something??