Forum Curses: The Second Act

Lucky is rolling for initiative against a pesky flea
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 7

this video would be useful to me as the life manipulation curse user

evil super villain vs the power of chicken soup

i think i saw a show like that once actually

…epithet erased?


you kill The Cold

yeah uh please guys this fight was supposed to take three days. All three parts.

I’ll post the third part in like a couple minutes



Well other than Apolo and Ladnas leaving their best friend behind

But we solved it!

To The Stallion

You slay the Cold as a group and all travel via flight (carrying Max between you) to the location of the Horse. The Cult is utterly confused that all their targets have disappeared, and with Lucky’s location disappearing off of the Cult Gps ™ they decide to retreat. Other than the frigate its a bit hard to just… put a huge warship back into hiding.

Once you arrive, bar Lucky who idk how he’s getting here, you notice the horse is slowing down. Slow enough to land in front of and face. It’s tired, for some reason it didn’t take a break when you all were distracted.

– Bossfight, Part Two–

The Stallion

Last Remnant of the People?

The Stallion: Abilities

  • Magic
    The Stallion has great control over magic.
  • Exhaustion
    The Stallion is faltering. It can no longer make portals consistently
  • Essence of a God
    The People are immune to people stepping out of their limits.
  • Mourning
    The Stallion mourns for the Fallen Person.
  • Vengeance
    The Stallion has chosen a random opponent to deal double damage to.
    Theodore Crest was chosen as the opponent.

– The Stallion has 100 HP. A roll above 5 deals 5HP, a roll above 10 deals 10HP and a roll above 15 deals 15 HP. Rolling 20 will deal 25 HP. There. Simple system. A roll counts as long as it follows the rules of the game and you describe your ability, I still can deny anything. Go on. Fight**

A Random field in England
Everybody involved in the fight.
The Stallion, The Horse, Whatever the hell you want to call it.

Who knows

I use Singularity Blades, 3 razor-sharp black discs that slice and then turn into singularities, absorbing matter for a few seconds before disappearing

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 13

I enchant as many people around me with truth, letting them aim better and ignore random bullshit that gets in their way.

you decide how many I manage to and who (probably with a wheel)

90/100 remaining

Current Apolo skillset:

  • Singularity Vortex
  • Singularity Barrage
  • Singularity Blades

Ray holds out the Acumen, using the willpower of everyone in combat to bring down a massive axe, shattering the ground in a cone going forward under the horse.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 19