Forum Curses: The Second Act

I haven’t endorsed any sort of drugs, alcohol or cults either

Gabriel’s uncle was Pablo Escobar

What about me

Gabriel somehow has cocaine, Lucky got abducted into a cult, pretty much the only weird ones

Minus the fact a god chose all of us to get weird powers

Also I accidentally made an eldritch abomination out of the number 13 so I got that going for me

What is weird in pure blue crystal?

Return To The Academy

The fight is over. The Horse has retired and will now go and sit in a field and munch grass and/or hay and/or polos. It’s decided to move to the Nyx district so it can occasionally haunt Dr Mahn more, and has offered to ride anyone who cannot fly home.
You all return to the Academy, and prepare yourself.
The final of the Trial of Ashen Hills begins tonight.

If you are to act, you will have a small window before and after the fight, unless you are to interrupt during the main fight. Keep in mind Kulvir is there supported by Martyn.

The poll opens later today…

“Ignoring that little hiccup with the school faculty my glorious trials have gone on without a single hitch. Nothing could possibly ruin my flawless plan!”

7 Unlikely allies ready to ruin a weeks worth of preparation within 10 minutes:

Six, mate, Randomness is only there so he knows what’s going on

Then who the fuck is this?

Oh did I count wrong? Sorry that’s Myles

Oh it’s because he hasn’t said anything in the chat, that’s why I forgot him

So did he try my coke or not?

Why would it try cocaine
Why do you have cocaine
Why did you give a horse cocaine
Is this a new movie plot

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HORSE ON COCAINE (by the directors of BEAR ON COCAINE)

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Who here wants to fight Levi? Also vote even if you were in on the original plan
  • Me
  • Not me
0 voters

Well I don’t really have a choice given what I will be doing

Oh yeah, what was that again? Message me in secret plan DM

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