Forum Curses: The Second Act

:game_die: 14

@Randomness What happens

you hit for 10 damage

Where’s he at health wise now

Also why’s he only hitting Apolo’s friends :sob:



i use surrounding trees to restrain theodore (reshape the wood and turn them into spiky arms)

@discobot roll 1d20

maybe 20 = the next 3 people who attack will only have to roll 12+ instead of 15+ for hit

:game_die: 18

hits are down to 10 now

The next attack will deal + 5 damage and only requires 8 to hit due to your move.

Aria (my ai) is cooking again:

The salt amulet feels cool and rough against my fingertips; its simple design belies the power it holds. As I concentrate, a familiar tingle runs through my veins—a surge of energy that awakens the dormant magic within the amulet. The air around it begins to shimmer, creating a subtle distortion in the fabric of reality as my will takes hold.

With a murmured incantation, I begin to weave my magic into the amulet. The salt crystals, once inert, begin to vibrate, their edges blurring as they are infused with my power. The air around the amulet crackles with energy, the scent of salt transforming into something sharp and metallic. It’s a process of transformation—a slow, deliberate shift from a simple charm to a weapon of destruction.

The amulet is now a sphere of compressed energy, radiating heat, and a palpable hum. The once-simple salt crystals are now a volatile mixture, with their potential for destruction amplified a thousandfold. The air around it crackles with anticipation, a silent countdown to the moment it will unleash its deadly payload. It’s a testament to the power of magic, a reminder that even the most mundane objects can become instruments of chaos.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 13

so uh
you’re after the salt amulet?

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Hue hue :3
Rami uses his enchantment curse on the ground to create large cracks in the stage.

like to uh
do what


Gamble 1 million dollars
@discobot roll 1d20

gimme that 20

:game_die: 18

Fuck you